Quote Originally Posted by AndyI View Post
A happy medium can be found. Set the totem decay to something like 3 months which should be long enough for everyone and let everyone incl non active subs log in a day a month to get together the resources to stop the totem decay. Those that wish to wait for more content can periodically log in and set the resources but either way you get an indication of the numbers of players waiting for more content and may even encourage some to resub. You'll also be able to test a higher number of players playing the game one day a month so we don't have the same debacle we had before. Simply set a free day a month for all subs.

Bottom line is we do need a resources sink and we do need the new lands. Some of us deliberately set up camp at the mist ready for the new lands only for it to not get rolled out and have as such been delayed in creating permanent camps because of it. I think it's time the new lands got rolled out just as were now getting the features that many want. There was a sudden rush of players before and if that happens again the same issues will crop up. It's too late to wait for lots of players then roll out the new lands, better and fairer to roll it out for those of us still here.

Being promised the new lands and that never materialising like many other features does not make for happy customers. I think we've waited far too long already. And we need more animals. The current system just doesn't seem to be working. The current levels of animal population don't seem to come close to reality in any way shape or form given were post apoc and there are only a few survivors. We're almost 2 years beyond where many of us signed up and the number of features released in that time is pretty low.

Also some of us moved to locations ready for the mist clearing and then had all of our trees clear cut and we can never get them back without tree planting which has also not materialised despite having been worked on. This lack of follow through on promised features is pretty poor I have to say. Is it too much to ask that some of these features actually get released given how long we've been patient for?

I dont know why you think thats a happy medium. Dont get me wrong, I love your ideas and thoughts here, however, they were told 6 months. How is 3 months a "happy medium" a happy medium might be like they say any NEW totems dropped decay away or something.

I'm all for totem decay, but Im also for keeping promises. I dont think its fair to the people that were told 6 months and then now because people that want it now now now crowd come in and going "I omg I cant place in any good spots" want it decayed away.

This goes right to the meat of what you are saying, you want those promised items also, well so does some of these people waiting for it. Many of these tribes put in 1000s of man hours into their tribes. Losing that to these new players that played for 2 hours because they want it now is sad.