Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
I agree. Filling the world with useless totems for half a year in hope that someone might come back is kinda nonsense imo. Those people who have left in April already got their 6 months...even 8 month now. I played ATITD, and there it took 2 months for buildings to decay after the owner left the game...and that 2 months was very very long, and drove a lot of players away.

I like AndyI's idea about opening up new lands now, before advertising the game and before the free period is offered to players who have left...the new lands have been promised since launch, it's high time to finally get them. That's solves the problem of totem decay for now, and the devs will get some more time to figure out a proper solution.
Of course you do because it fits your purpose. You already stated you wont be playing until there is new lands, thus you wont come back until that happens. This will make it faster.

Clearly you are very bias here (as normally you are).

Jordi said he would tell people about what was going on and give them 6 months. Why not stick to that plan? Just another change in plans you guys want to mess up the game even more for the people that bought it. Stop changing it to just how you want it and think of all the other people. Take a step back, look at it (or try) with unbias eyes and then see how would you feel if you were told you would have 6months warning when decay was coming in, and then you log in one day to find out, your stuff is all gone?

Im not sure how much you have played, but I know people who put in 100s of hours and tribes that put in 1000s of man hours into their tribe areas. That's not only underhanded by the devs, thats just unethical.