I understand the explanations that Raguel has given about the requirement to log all chats, even the private ones. And I too am seldom concerned about what I write ingame, if a guide would take offense to it (in the case where I voiced myself in private/tribe chat) I'm sure that the 'abuse' policy will work as its supposed to.

On the other hand I do understand the risk of having no pseudo privacy in tribe/whisper. So I do support Audacius/Appollo's concern, I too have heard (hearsay lol!) about certain people who were confronted with their privately voiced remarks about other players. But in this case the player who was spoken about is also a developer who also plays the game.

And in that case I totally disapprove of this persons' behaviour.
He clearly abused his 'extra powers' for his personal agenda, in which us (the other regular) players can't properly guard ourselves against that. Unless of course we take our private chatting outside of the game (teamspeak/ventrilo/irc).

Protecting privacy versus securing the game is a tough dilemma, I'm sure of that.

But as I said, I want all of us (so that means the playing devs/guides included) to play by the same rules.