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  1. #1

    Navigation Suggestion

    I'm pretty sure this has already been mentioned, but I'll suggest it anyway just in case... I think the game could really use some form of a compass system, if for no other reason than to know which way is north.

    I started off in Round Hill and quickly began exploring the surrounding area, only to realize that I wasn't really sure how to get back to where I had started. I eventually decided to follow a flowing river back to the lake. Normally I would just glance up at the sky for direction, but in the winter time when the sky is cloudy, it makes getting one's bearing nigh impossible.

    I have spent a fair amount of time camping and orienteering in RL, so I can appreciate the realness of the current system. However, I can also see how this could cause problems in the future. A simple compass that points north would work wonders for the exploration aspect of the game. It would also help when you're trying to meet up with friends. If adding a compass to the UI isn't ideal, how about making a craftable compass?

    These are just a few suggestions, but I believe they would greatly enhance gameplay. Any thoughts on this?

  2. #2

    Re:Navigation Suggestion

    I think being able to craft and buy a compass to make getting around in game easier (for those who chose to get one) would be great! It doesn't make sense that we wouldn't be able to come up with some means of orienting ourselves as we advance.

    I'd rather not have the UI compass personally.

  3. #3

    Re:Navigation Suggestion

    Angyll wrote:
    I think being able to craft and buy a compass to make getting around in game easier (for those who chose to get one) would be great! It doesn't make sense that we wouldn't be able to come up with some means of orienting ourselves as we advance.

    I'd rather not have the UI compass personally.
    I agree.

    The UI solution is unrealistic, the compass as an item you have to get your hands on is way better!

    I remember somewhere reading that there are no useless items, every item has a purpose. That compass is a perfect candidate. Also, a wrist watch to exactly know the in-game time.

    I think orientation will be a problem in the beginning, but after a week or more it will be easier and in the end it will become a part of the game to get lost from time to time and to have zones you know better and other zones you don't know at all.

    In some cases it feels more rewarding to players if they are given "small hints" that lead to solutions than making their lifes too easy!

  4. #4

    Re:Navigation Suggestion

    Already added this to the suggestions list in the form of a UI compass but I might change the suggestion to a craftable one.

    Though remember once people start building a few towns etc, they will act as land marks and make it much easier to know where you are and in which direction you need to go.

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Orleans

    Re:Navigation Suggestion

    I think an preset compass/map is not a good idea. But it would be nice to be able to find one.

    A lot of the areas seem to be real life ones anyways, it would be easier to redo an existing map.

    For the Wurm players, Was there some program for mapping that anyone used there?

  6. #6

    Re:Navigation Suggestion

    edaw22 wrote:
    Though remember once people start building a few towns etc, they will act as land marks and make it much easier to know where you are and in which direction you need to go.
    This is true, also the roads that people build will help out a lot. Cartography might be a cool skill for the future.

  7. #7

    Re:Navigation Suggestion

    Personally I would like to see an extremely basic map we get when we start, that has only a vague outline of Lake Tahoe and a dot where we are. Then later I would like to see a cartography skill that allows players to make more detailed maps using paper that have things such as area names, landmarks, player marked locations etc.

    Though I'm not sure exactly how the skill would function/level up.

    As far as compasses, likewise id like to see the player start off with a basic one that just shows North, then have them craftable with players able to make better ones, more accurate and with the other cardinal points.


  8. #8

    Re:Navigation Suggestion

    edaw22 wrote:
    Personally I would like to see an extremely basic map we get when we start, that has only a vague outline of Lake Tahoe and a dot where we are. Then later I would like to see a cartography skill that allows players to make more detailed maps using paper that have things such as area names, landmarks, player marked locations etc.

    Though I'm not sure exactly how the skill would function/level up.

    As far as compasses, likewise id like to see the player start off with a basic one that just shows North, then have them craftable with players able to make better ones, more accurate and with the other cardinal points.

    It sounds like we're thinking along the same lines. There's no need for creating elaborate navigation tools in the beginning, but it would be nice to have some simple way to tell which direction I'm walking when it is cloudy.

  9. #9

    Re:Navigation Suggestion

    When the sun is out, use shadows to tell directions.

    When the stars are out, use them.

    When it's cloudy and/or overcast, use your knowledge of terrain.

    It's possible to create a compass from a very thin magnetized needle and a cup of water. That would be the first crude yet portable true compass.

    Remember, in Xsyon the top crafters get to create new items periodically (at least thats what I read into it.) So, perhaps there should be a community agreement that a crude compass should be a high priority player-generated recipe?

  10. #10

    Re:Navigation Suggestion

    In Roma Victor we had to navigate using distant terrain as a marking point as well as using navigation skill saying your village is somewhere south or east from here. The tips get more accurate when the skill gets higher
    How about that?

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