Well if you like building stuff, xsyon has only gotten much better. On this front it delivers something that not many MMOs can.

If you like pvp, combat has certainly improved a lot but you will be quite hard pressed to find any targets. You wont be able to just go out and find someone to kill on random.

If you like crafting, then you are in luck, gathering and crafting are still the only ways to progress, if you dont like it then you are pretty screwed. Some item stats are also still placeholders or not working. Its also quite tedious, no mass crafting.

If you like community, then there is a great and fairly active global chat channel, but its mostly all the same people talking.

I think a guide said at some point in global last patch day that there were like 50 people on and that it was a big deal. So yea, its a little too quiet.

That was a more or less critical and fair assesment. Take it or leave it.