Primavera wrote:
Jadzia wrote:
Primavera wrote:
It sounds very interesting - wonder what the mechanics/enforcement consist of? eg Will there be any form of guards/magic/alarms to prevent unwanted guests or is the territory more symbolic? And what does "resources are claimed" mean - untappable by others, or fitted with burglar alarms, or something completely unique and imaginative?

As a self confessed non-recogniser of the right to own land, I kind of hope its along the lines of the tribe has to respond to an alarm, rather than untappable nodes. Not that it'll matter much while the population is low.

Bah, I only landed on this game 2 days ago and I'm getting as obssessed as everyone else already.
Since tribal area (and not only town) will be a safe zone during the Prelude, I guess it means that visitors can't do any harm. No destroying things, no stealing, no killing. So probably no need for guards or any other defensive mechanic.
I didnt read it quite like that - tribal areas will be a safe zone during "early prelude" was what it said. That might mean 1 week, it might mean 1 year, or anything in between - big difference, but I'd guess it'll be somewhere in the 1-2 month region to allow people to get established.
You are right, "early prelude" hasn't been defined at all.