The zone limit on trees creates this scenerio

1. The players try to plant a tree seed inside their totem zone.
2. The players get a message that the zone is maxed on trees.
3. The players go cut all the trees down in the zone.
4. The players plant seeds inside their totem zone.
5. The Homesteaders get a message that the zone is maxed on trees.

Basically, the large tribes will end up with all the trees inside their totem zone and homesteaders won't have any trees to collect from. (all the trees in the entire game will be inside tribe zones, eventually)

I would say hell yes to this system, if there were no safe zones and you could cut peoples trees down on their tribe totem.

I'm not even sure how you balance this with the current system.

If we all thought there was bitching before when people thought trees were to far, wait until there are no trees to collect from outside tribe zones.

I think there should be no safe zones and trees just like other players should be FFA.

Any thoughts?