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  1. #51
    These are not really assumptions Deatu, they are observed realities.

    Yes you could try and "buff" the new players but that's even more convoluted then what I suggested.

    Having all skills and stats decay if not used and limiting skills and even stats to a maximum capped value, will allow for ALL players to know where they stand with their toons build.

    The things that should give advantage, are stuff like quality of armor or weapons. Are you full and healthy, or empty and starving.

    The theme park games all allow "uber" skillled/health/damage types.

    This game is supposed to be about survival.

    We should have unlimited water and food... limited resources to make gear with and should be able to build all the log cabins we want.

    In such a world, which is what we all thought this was, sure a few insane players could max out a few things.. but if we are actually having to survive, then there would not be any uber players at all.. only slightly stronger, or smarter, or better equipped.

    Now, explain to me how that would be bad for the game, or bad for the majority of players, or even bad for the current set of vets?

  2. 12-15-2011, 12:20 PM

  3. #52
    ("Leet" Sword guy)

    ("New Player" Indiana)
    Huh? I just joined but I found this, POW.

    I prefer things this way.

    (In case the video goes bye-bye for whatever reason, It was the sword guy vs. Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark.)

  4. #53

  5. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by fatboy21007 View Post
    folks, were all old farts around here, Reason animal as easy is pretty simple, are hps are too high, Lower are hps to that of a starting character and guess what?, those very same animals will be very challenging, pvp would be equal grounds ( besides the fact of sum that have high combat skills, then ofc they got the dmg advantage). I personally dont think you shouldn't get raised hps in this game. THis is survival after all, atm theirs a few ingame who dont have to worry about it. I miss the days of launch, Where is was equal fighting, when ya roaming around and some1 tried to attack ya, you actually stood a chance 1 vs 1. Hell even seen few take only 5 at a time and win all due to skill with the ole keyboard. Atm i see the king of the hill videos, even pvped friends ingame, It is a tanking game now, and if you want tanking go play fuckin wow. I want my nornal pvp back damnit, i may like my safezone, but even i feel deprived here of sum old time fun! And Dubanka's Point is highly valid their, fortitude is HP based, that stat i have yet to see raise and that stat should be tough to raise. I hope a balance comes soon, no offense ddt , you and few others got the godly status ingame and cant be defeated due to ya crappy combat system. Even you gotta agree, something needs done now about it.

    Ive been agreeing to the fact that if you skill up every craft in the game, you will be super strong. (Like my toon)
    I DONT agree with the fact that people who skill up should be on equal footing as a 1 day old person. If you like that type of system. I believe you would also want no skilling up in ANY type of skill mattering in this game at all.

    If you think HP shouldnt level up with you, then why level up anything? Everyone should have equal HP, and equal skills. You cant say your way is ok, but then be like "oh no but dont touch crafting, not everyone should have equal to all my crafting skills".

    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
    These are not really assumptions Deatu, they are observed realities.

    Yes you could try and "buff" the new players but that's even more convoluted then what I suggested.

    Having all skills and stats decay if not used and limiting skills and even stats to a maximum capped value, will allow for ALL players to know where they stand with their toons build.

    The things that should give advantage, are stuff like quality of armor or weapons. Are you full and healthy, or empty and starving.

    The theme park games all allow "uber" skillled/health/damage types.

    This game is supposed to be about survival.

    We should have unlimited water and food... limited resources to make gear with and should be able to build all the log cabins we want.

    In such a world, which is what we all thought this was, sure a few insane players could max out a few things.. but if we are actually having to survive, then there would not be any uber players at all.. only slightly stronger, or smarter, or better equipped.

    Now, explain to me how that would be bad for the game, or bad for the majority of players, or even bad for the current set of vets?

    Can you explain to me what this means, because I missed it.

    You are saying that we should or shouldnt have skill leveling in this game?

  6. #55
    I am actually saying ...

    Skills and stats like fort,str,intel, etc.. can and should level up. And even HP to a max setting that ANYONE can achieve.

    I am also saying the that HP should not keep building nor should it be the defining aspect of a combat player.

    You seem to believe I don't want folks to have to level anything and that is simply not the case.

    I thought from the in game discussion the other day you understood what I was saying and you even agreed...

    You also keep using the the phrase "even footing". By default a vet would be more accomplished than a new player, thus NOT on an even footing.

    To repeat, the issue I have is that Unlimited HP allows a huge gap to develop between new and vet players. This is a bad thing in my eyes and it seems many others here agree. To allow HP to define what a combat player can accomplish, also ruins the game for most everyone else.

    Why do you have a problem with the concept that even a casual player can, over time, become equal with a player that insanely plays 12-16 hours a day?

    If that was to happen you personally would have alot more challenge to the game, others could also have the very same fun and prolly more people would play...

    or is it you really want to keep the huge gap between players we see today?

  7. #56
    I still think HP should be in the Roma Victor fashion. No hit points, just your attributes as your damage bar.

    Head= Perception + Intelligence

    Chest= Fortitude

    Arms = Dexterity + Strength

    Legs = Agility

    that leaves 2 attributes that are not tied to ANYTHING, Spirit, and Charm. Which should not go up or down with damage.

    If any attribute is knocked to zero you are incapacitated. Just like if your HP reaches 0 now.

    They will heal up over time, and you can do first aid on the damaged location to heal it faster. Just like Roma Victor, which had a VERY good healing system. Need a stick+rag+twine to heal a arm wound. You needed a sheet to bandage a chest wound. It worked, it was simple, yet deep.

  8. #57
    alright ddt, you want somthing to lvl up, Fortitude. No one should gain a huge advantage over another. Most folks can only play 1-2 hours a day, So they SHOULD be able to reach the same level as say a 10-20 hour player in a reasonable amount of time, Also you shouldnt gain hps from crafting AT ALL. Hp's if u all trully want it to be for those who work hard, Make them STAT based. Their even chance for all to reach it. and it should be caped. Making a friggin hammers or building house shouldnt gain me hps, Only stats should play this role, Combat shouldnt effect hps ethier, only blocking and dps you do. That in my eyes is a balance every1 can agree on, as with stat-skill decay, you can define your character through ur stats, thus ur hps are defined also. Their a noob startin out will be weaker for ya, But, You gotta bust your ass if ya wanna gain that edge, and fortitude needs to be based off a skill that can not be macroed, or button smashed, SO the idea of eating and drinking sounds good to fit this area, however if ya keep your thirst and hunger bar from emptying out overtime youll raise fortitude, (now this wont be a easy task as it will take months to gain +1 in fortitude this way) But its fair, and allows those who wish to be elite and are really indepth into the game to gain something from it all. However i will not ever accept crafting to lvl hps up, nor should combat effect it. has to be stat based, thats the only way it makes it fair on all sides and even gives those playing 20 hours a day the edge, but keeps them from reaching the godly status again, THus they are killable 1 vs 1

    Also a side note, ya level up skills atm for trading, building, to make your tools to create better ones, Also armors and the quality need to play a huge factor in this picture. You simply dont grind skills out to reach max hps, Wth kinda goal is that, makes all the crafting useless if ya view it in that sence. Crafting shouldnt be thought of as gaining hps, i never seen it that way and i still dont, hell i never heard any1 say that till you

  9. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
    I am actually saying ...

    Skills and stats like fort,str,intel, etc.. can and should level up. And even HP to a max setting that ANYONE can achieve.

    I am also saying the that HP should not keep building nor should it be the defining aspect of a combat player.

    You seem to believe I don't want folks to have to level anything and that is simply not the case.

    I thought from the in game discussion the other day you understood what I was saying and you even agreed...

    You also keep using the the phrase "even footing". By default a vet would be more accomplished than a new player, thus NOT on an even footing.

    To repeat, the issue I have is that Unlimited HP allows a huge gap to develop between new and vet players. This is a bad thing in my eyes and it seems many others here agree. To allow HP to define what a combat player can accomplish, also ruins the game for most everyone else.

    Why do you have a problem with the concept that even a casual player can, over time, become equal with a player that insanely plays 12-16 hours a day?

    If that was to happen you personally would have alot more challenge to the game, others could also have the very same fun and prolly more people would play...

    or is it you really want to keep the huge gap between players we see today?

    You are now saying that stats are easier to get than skills? Because, I would beg to differ. Plus if you limit it to 1 stats like fatboy just said, you would have even worse problem on your hands.

    Anyone right now can get the same hit points as me. I dont even have max. My alt has almost as much as me and 1/2 the skills or less. There is no "unlimited" hp. There is a limit right now how high HP can go. Your problem is that I have it all it seems like, and you didnt train your toon enough to get more. MY problem isnt that, its the fact the gap is to wide.
    YOU believe that changing it to your way will fix the problem it wont.

    Where do you think I disagree with that concept that casual players can over time become equal with a player that is playing hardcore 10+ hours a day? I've already said I believe the gap should be smaller from start to finish. There is an HP cap. Ive not even hit it yet.

    I wouldnt have more challenge to the game, heck what is there to challenge at all? How high someone can build a wall? You have to be kidding. Surely isnt animals as they are still easy.

    You should go back and read my posts, Ive said MANY MANY MANY times I want a smaller gap from a new player and a vet. What I dont want is to lose all the leveling the game has. With skill pools and soft caps, I see this game a lot like UO where people make their own builds based on how they want to play.
    You want a tailoring hunter go for it. You want an axe weilding leather worker? Not problem. What I dont want to see is someone with every skill in the game like me, and the gap so large that they (like me) have a 10x HP gap over a new player.
    Again, Ive said it before, I want a 2x to 4x HP gap from new to max.

    "Right now I have almost 10x more HP than a new player, that's a large gap to over come, I see no reason why the gap shouldnt be like 2x to 4x"

    I know you think its about DDT vs the world, but again if I wanted that I wouldnt change it as right now no one is at my level, and few are even close.

  10. #59
    You keep making stuff up to try and support you claims.

    I am not staying stats are easier, never have. I experience the very same things you or any player does. Stats are HARD to level.

    Nor am I saying that they should be easy.

    The ONLY difference between you and other players is the insane gap in HP you have gotten due to your craft/combat/gathering skills.

    This is something we won't agree on.

    I personally am all for skill as a player being the sole reason one player can beat another. I don't want any advantages just given to the players.

    I would prefer that all players decay back to a reasonable max level of hp or maybe even what HODO suggested, then have damage mitigation and comfort levels determine what damage a player can get.

    Now instead of the sillyness we see in game today, success will depend on long term desire and skill.

    You probably believe that is exactly what your current stat is based off of... but it's not. Yes you put in the hours, but the game gave you an overly inflated advantage you that is not based off anything but amount of time spent doing anything.

    The reason this is bad is because it is a game.. and very few players can devote the time you can. Simply giving you massive HP because you sit at your computer literally all day long ( yes we have checked and kept track ) has over balanced this game towards the hardcore player.. and against the casual .. and most players are casual.

    I really don't care if you agree here or not. I am more speaking to Jordi and the dev team and any new players wanting to join the game.

    NOTICE: Until HP is set to decay like Jordi says it will... don't bother competing any any events. It is pointless.

  11. #60
    aye, the events look like so much fun, even the treasure hunts, but i wont take part in them because of the massive gaps between casual and marathon runner players. wish their was a balance in, but we wont see that anytime this century, So my treasure hunt is done scavenging :-)

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