1. Totem rework. Give more reason for removing safe zone besides the ability to PvP with others (if not nobody will remove safe zone, period.). Our tribe agreed that a good idea would be to have totem upkeep to make the boundary grow or shrink (based on members, so if you have inactive members that would only add to the weight that others had to pull for upkeep), and those who remove their safe zones would have much less upkeep to grow and preserve the boundary size because of being open to attack from players.

2. More danger (mutants are somewhat hard now, haven't tried a legendary plated bear though). More survival. More failures from crafting from thrist, hunger, more stamina loss from thirst/hunger. Give debuff to make thirst/hunger kill you after X amount of time (5 minutes real time for water, 30 minutes for food?) after hitting empty

3. Death penalties (must be in with carts, IMO)

4. Mounts (if this can be done without animal taming because running around the map to even visit someone for a small trade is a chore in this game)

5. More combat mechanics. IE dodge should be a sidestep move, give us cleave attacks, power attacks, instant attacks, some more choices in general. Healing would be great, but not from any magic. From antidotes and herbs created through cooking, IMO. Also, cooking would be great for food that adds buffs.

small things... i could go on and on but i don't feel like it.

-make food decay. really. this is needed if food is to feel important. we can't keep food cold here except during the winter, so it's going to spoil.

-make shovels decay. easy to do and adds to economy massively. makes weaponcrafters more important. make quality of shovel effect speed of terraforming cast. this alone will cause many people to scream in joy (IE terraforming takes too long now, especially for those who have to do it solo)

-allow baskets to stack. there is so much vertical space above baskets that can't be used for anything. not to mention all the ground space saved.

i'd keep going on and on if I actually thought some of these smaller tasks would get done. Good day.