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  1. #1
    1: General Fixes and improvements for the crafting system.
    - Get the item attributes that are not placeholders working. Speed, damage, agility etc.
    - Mutant bones to be used in existing deer/bear bonecraft recipes -or- all new bone sets, atm mutant bones are only useable as generic bones.
    - Crafting in batches -or- a complete revamp of how items are crafted, so it takes thinking rather than clicking to do.
    - Either eliminate the need to craft useless items to skillup and then discarded -or- implement some feature as a sink for these items so they arent completly useless.

    2: Expansion totems + A system for upkeep and decay of totems. Siege can come later.
    3: Gauges, reworked thirst and hunger, implemented comfort and faith.
    4: Ranged Combat.
    5: An alignement system.

  2. #2
    1. Carts
    2. Cooking-Charming
    3. Architechure-second storys
    4. Ability to terraform granite and any other surface
    5. Remove Totem button for tribes and Expanded Lands

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by banden View Post
    - Crafting in batches -or- a complete revamp of how items are crafted, so it takes thinking rather than clicking to do.
    - Either eliminate the need to craft useless items to skillup and then discarded -or- implement some feature as a sink for these items so they arent completly useless.
    I'd love to see this implemented. Training skills wouldn't feel so grindy if the crafted items had some use.

    2. A new totem area system which is not based on the number of the tribemembers but on their effort.

    3. Bigger focus on surviving...hunger and thirst should kill players after a while, same with low comfort (like being outside for long during the winter without proper clothes)

    4. Working alignment system. This is very needed before you start to advertise the game again.

    5. Farming.

  4. #4
    1. Carts
    2. traps against animals, would work against humans but they are quite obvious to humans if they know what to look for.
    3. Make use of streams/wind through mechanical methods, waterwheels/windmill to provide power, would make being near a river a lot more important for some tribes/homesteaders. Power could provide a mill for milling grain to make bread, could be left unattended. Could allow apparatus for speeding up crafting higher lvl recipes etc.
    4. mining for resources such as coal to provide steam power for vehicles/motors if they were ever introduced.
    5. Carrier pigeons to carry small items/letters to different people around the xyson area.

    Just an extra point : The ability to use different kinds of material in recipes, different branches on the same barricade or different trees on a wall, there is no reason they should have to be the same ones, very annoying trying to find the last 3 logs (of the right type) for a wall.

  5. #5
    Not in order of preference, to me they all are equally desirable.
    2.Totem Decay
    3.Terraforming Tweaks (So I can finally level my area perfectly)
    3.Ability to plant grass
    Should have let us go to 10 far too many things we want.

  6. #6
    1. Biggest need is for regular activities that should be done in groups. Currently only tribal construction projects fall into this category. There have been many suggestions for this. Mine is here.

    2. Creature population and AI. I know these are on the to do list, but critters regularly disappear from populated areas for real world weeks at a time. When this happens, fixes should be given a priority just below crash bugs.

    3. Give the other craft skills makeovers like tool crafting got.

    4. Shields. Please don't put in archery before giving us shields.

    5. Two handed weapons/farming tools. I've got bins full of pitchforks, hoe heads, rakes, long handles, etc. I'm itching to make something of them and then go wack something with the product.


  7. #7
    In order of preference,

    1) Tutorial
    2) Totem Decay
    3) Carts
    4) New resource skills, i.e. Agriculture, Cooking, Farming, Animal Husbandry
    5) Carts

  8. #8
    Fix current features before adding anything else

    1)Sort animals finally
    2)Work on resting/health regen system for those of us who actually leave our safe zones
    3)Fix how a combat/hunting character has to stand and grind all tradeskills just to compete.(possibly made slightly better by fixing 1 above but more out of camp activities desperatly needed)
    4)Alter scavenging system so its not completely random even for supposed Master scavengers. (possibly similar to how tree resourses appear, this would reduce the amount of clicking from disgarding items you dont want and you wouldnt need to pick up items every time, u could just move forward 8-10 paces and hit scav again)
    5)Crafting in batches or allow for multitasking eg while a fish is cooking u could be out planting a few trees or filling up your water barrel or fishing then go back to your burnt fish and cook another one . Or dont make things instant craft for instance making a healing remedy should take day/weeks for different strengths and mixing different ratios of herbs to discover the best (tribe secret technique). Basically what im saying is some sort of variety rather than a clone of the others ingame .

  9. #9
    Xsyon Citizen VeryWiiTee's Avatar
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    Oct 2010
    Somewhere in nowhere
    I'm reading up to 11 features wanted at some xD..

    Oh well here we go. No huge explanation form me, that wasn't required as far as I'm aware..
    Some might get explanations now that I think of it.

    1. Carts
    2. Archery/Revenants
    - Archery/Revenants are the prime necessity for me, thus they share 2/3 place.
    - With Archery, shields should also be introduced.
    3. Revenants/Archery
    4. Animal Training (Mounts)
    5. Improved Survival Aspect.
    - I dig the die of thirst/hunger from NorCal, but the in-game days it takes for this to happen should be equivalent to how long you can do without food/water in real life.
    @NorCal Yeah it was just 5min real life minutes without water is rash. Don't get me wrong, it would be nice with consequences, but I think they're too harsh. You would die like -a lot-. Anywho, dieing of thirst would be equivalent to 3 in-game days (1 real life day) and dieing of hunger would be 7 in-game days about 2 and 1/3 real life day. It should probably be related to accumulated online time without water/food. So that you don't log in to a dead character.. Or the effects should be slowed on logout.
    - You could also debuff people. Due to hunger you move slower. The worse your hunger the more grave the effects. Fx 2 in-game days without food. You move slower and are more easily killed (ie. loss of HP due to your body beginning to cannibalize on itself to survive)

  10. #10
    1. Less mouse clicking (I've actually had to stop playing due to my wrist hurting while playing this game)
    2. Ranged Combat
    3. Totem Decay
    4. Option for no safe zones
    5. Implement the alignment system

    I know you said 5, but there's a few more that should be on this list imo

    6. It's currently way to easy to get everything you need in game and if a resource was made rare you could just drop a safe totem on top of it, so something needs to balance this.
    7. Everyone being able to make everything regardless of a skill decay system is going to further ruin the economy (you just stockpile items and switch to a new craft and repeat)
    8. Death penalties
    9. Move totem around so you can terraform under it and then place it where it needs to be
    10. Market System for trading (quest system is pretty much useless as it is and with an actual Market system I don't even see the need for it with the way it is now, it's not even really a quest system it's just a way to trade stuff between 2 players) IMO the market system should be setup similar to eve where you can place WTS and WTB offers.

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