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  1. #1
    I actually tend to agree with you on the cost Rothkur but you must however also consider that the world is allready chuck full of abandoned totems, there are a myriad of issues with the crafting system currently and progression needs a workover aswell. So when we get more people into the world, what happens? More totems! and because these things still needs to get fixed eventually also abandoned totems. The main problem with server population is not that people are not joining the game, the problem is that they are not staying and this has nothing to do with cost but everthing to do with the issues.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by banden View Post
    I actually tend to agree with you on the cost Rothkur but you must however also consider that the world is allready chuck full of abandoned totems, there are a myriad of issues with the crafting system currently and progression needs a workover aswell. So when we get more people into the world, what happens? More totems! and because these things still needs to get fixed eventually also abandoned totems. The main problem with server population is not that people are not joining the game, the problem is that they are not staying and this has nothing to do with cost but everthing to do with the issues.
    There is little issue with putting in flat decay for totems. If a player who owns a totem does not log on within X weeks, their totem is removed. In the case of multi-member tribes, the system would poll all members of the tribe for activity.

  3. #3
    Rothkur, you are asking for adding Free to play option. But you are then trying to combat how free to play will work IF they add and do a lot of work to make the game work.

    The game has people wanting to play it. It had 1000s of people bought it already, or were waiting for it to be done. You can tell by the people leaving that free to play will do nothing to keep people playing, you just have more people going through the turning doorway.

    They need to work on keeping players. If they have a game that players want to play, and they put out ads. The game will do fine and more than enough people to play it.

    Adding free to play will break the current game even more, and I dont see anyone wanting to pay to play in a free to play world. The system it has will not handle it.

    I can combat you on each point you listed, some are good but some just dont make sense to this type of game-play. Either way Free to play requires a lot of work to be done to make it free to play. If that same work was done to make the game fun, you would have the same results and happier and longer standing players.

  4. #4
    I'm not going to argue against any of the suggestions here. What I do want to point out is that this is the week before Christmas. Some of the people you aren't seeing this week may be playing in the newest theme park on the block (I give them a month, 6 weeks tops before they exhaust that content), but I'll wager most are just busy enjoying the seasonal activities in the real world.


  5. #5

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen Neo70's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Tirol, Austria
    Hello World of Xsyon !
    I also thanks xsyon for the free Gametime. But i dont refresh my subscription before carts, taming, cooking and bow´s are in the game and work. So CU all, there was a fine communtiy, hope i see u soon.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by fatboy21007 View Post
    lemme get this straight, you all bitch n moan n groan and everytime he does wat ya friggin ask, ya flip it around and say it shouldnt be done? WTH! This is why the devs need to ignore the community now and go with their PLAN, and stop listening to you all. For a long time u all wanted carts and raised hell overem even u norcal and ddt, but now ur saying why did he do them ? You all asked him too. Geesh, ingreatful people.
    this is exactly what im trying to say, they reached a point where they REALLY needed to please the players to stay afloat so they made what the players where moaning for
    and they did so whitout thinking about it.. and now when the feature is here everyone can see how stupid it was to ask for it.

    when developers start to do such stuff its a bad thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Monfols View Post
    mortal online.

  8. #8
    No FB, I'm glad Xsyon listens to us. I just think the order of implementation is a bit off. IE carts before there is even a necessity to trade to obtain x or y item that you cannot create.

    But since they don't seem to want to work out the other key issues with trading BEFORE implementing carts, they will immediately see the problems once the patch is live.

    Trading will hardly increase at all. Believe me.

    Enough with the player bashing and focus on debating the topic. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.

  9. #9

    Skill decay : I like the notion that in Xsyon, one could reinvent themselves as they see fit over time. Not tied to decisions made at character creation, but free to change careers mid-game-life. I honestly believe the people currently asking for skill decay are not doing so from this point of view. It seems to me this is more related to leet and prestige and, well, things I find boring and silly in real life already so why would I want to have to peddle these ideals in a virtual world?

    I honestly believe the people currently pushing for skill decay will not be happy with the changes until the rest of the server feels precisely what zookeeper is talking about. Pretty good chance the people currently pushing for skill decay will then spew something about carebears or whatever but what customer base Xsyon is looking for is obviously entirely up to him.

    Skill Cap : fun killer for me. Only for me? Apparently not, no. For my friend's birthday recently, I wanted to get some really good axes. I can't make really good axes. I'm not a weaponsmith. I don't even want to be a weaponsmith. I contacted a trusted source and asked him if he knew any top-notch weaponsmiths. He gave me a name, and off I went contacting that individual. I got a great trade out of it, and the weaponsmith got a recipe he had been looking for a long time.

    There does not need to be skill caps for people to specialize and work together. There only needs to be people capable of working together. I don't mean people capable of directing others to work for them, I mean people who enjoy working together for the greater good on an equal footing. I've seen it happen pretty much daily, without skill caps.

    If people felt they could not find a place in Industrial Strength where they would feel valued, they should have looked at leadership rather than game mechanics.

    Death Penalty : Let's skip the lag and rollback issues at launch that already cost half the population before ebil carebears ruined Norcal's life and Xsyon's ever so lucrative investment opportunity Norcal was on the cusp of forking over... let's go back and take a look at how much giggling griefers were running around driving people out of game.

    I know, I know, you don't believe they existed, whatever. Death Penalties will make that worse. Anyone telling you otherwise is planning to use this very mechanic to try and dominate others, NOT entertain others, but dominate them, too thick to realize anyone can just click the X at the top right and be done with it.

    But hey, playerbase you want is the playerbase you get. Have fun with that.

    Those are the three biggies in my opinion. Irks me that more time will be spent on resource distribution and combat tweaks when the very people that is meant to appease have yet to be appeased or happy about much of anything. No use rehashing the debate of why no-safe has to equal special little numbnut status with special treats... the playerbase you want is the playerbase you get.

  10. #10
    Cool Book, just go against every idea that will make the game have substance. :P This isn't a personal attack on you, it is a discussion about your ideas, if you can tell the difference.

    No death penalties? Are you kidding? Seriously? Why should people not fear death from mobs? It's not like we drop all loot upon death (which would be a good enough death penalty imo), so some sort of "debuff" or instant skill decay should happen upon death.

    I'm not on the cusp of forking anything over. Any investment into Xsyon for an adverts push I wouldn't even CONSIDER making until next Summer. Hopefully by then the game has more substance and would actually keep more than 10% of the players who bought accounts. Like I said, I would be doing this to support the games survival and stimulate population growth, not turn a profit. However, if the more than 90% of the players quit within a month-three months, then what is the point? You can see why I'm so keen on expecting negative returns from an investment.

    However, maybe Xsyon is currently turning a profit because dev. payroll and maintenance costs are so low. I do not know the finer details of this though. If so, then the game will never die due to lack of revenue. It would only die due to lack of developer interest in developing any further.

    Book, we will be happy with skill decay, as it will create a need for crafters of all type (not just one ULTIMATE crafter like Unclean/Dang). The problem is, even if the crafting roles are split from a possible 1 crafter to needing 5+ pure crafters, that doesn't make the items crafted any more USEFUL. More RARE (because less can craft these items now than before) YES, but more USEFUL? No, not at all.

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