I play games to have fun but i also like the idea of this game it is just boring. I Bought it around 5 months ago and played for about a week with a guy called Mr DDT we went round killing bears it was pretty funny but after i got tired of that there was nothing really to do. When i used to play like runescape i would level skills make money kill hard enemys with groups and gear up for pvp and in this theres nothing i really have to prepare for so i get bored.
Something that usualy goes round in mmos im gona give an example of runescape it has many skills. SO i chop trees on it and while im leveling this up i can sell it for money but in this i chop trees i can build stuff but i have no reason to.
What i truly think is there needs to be 1 starting town that xyson creates where we have general stores and stuff then the game world can grow from there and the tribes around it need to visit there every so often . i might come back in the future but there just has to be something thats fun to come on for.
Some interesting features which could be added to boost things to do
Most important to me is a Starting town which is like the king of all towns it has resting areas, stores, arena things that people have a reason to go to if there in need of supplies. i no its about having your own tribe but we build around this and it would help the game grow and start a comminity for example dam no logs here o you should go to the treehugger tribe they sell lots o ok thanks.
This could also be used for QUESTS - you read sign in the town and the TJ tribe in need of 10 baskets deliver to these cords where there totem is and you gain 5 logs something like that so you actualy adventuring to do something for other people growing a massive world community.
Treasure trails in runescape our basic but in this game we could get a map of the current area we are in and some cords and have to find and dig a chest out the ground and claim rewards which can be rare or important.
Holding animals so they breed and give your tribe food and at night animals can come and try kill them this makes you defend your land or build better defences.
half of the map could be pvp half pve you could do it so you can only have 1 tribe in either pvp or pve zone. Or you could be aloud to have one in each zone and in the pvp zone everything can be destoryed but there needs to be better building tools for this. and the pve zone could be your comercial tribe or an ally pve tribe can supply a pvp tribe and enemys can try intercept trade routes would be fun.