January 20 2012

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The server and client have been updated with a minor patch.

Patch Notes:
- Fixed server side issue with some mutant animations.
- Increased allowable depth for carts crossing rivers. This will be revised later when we implement bridges.
- Totem decay system implemented with consequences turned off.

The Totem decay system will work as follows:
Each time a tribe member interacts with the tribe totem, the totem and tribe are set to 'active'.
The more time passes without any activity from a tribe member, the totem 'decays' to the next stage.

The planned stages of Totems are:
- Active
- Neglected - This is just a warning stage.
- Deserted - At this stage bins and bundles left on the ground will be accessible to other players and the tribe will not be a safe zone.
- Abandoned - At this stage undead will spawn within the tribe zone.
- Removed - At this point the Totem is removed, the land can be claimed by another tribe and all buildings and objects become accessible.

We are currently preparing and testing this system. None of these consequences will apply to the main server until this system is announced to all players with advanced warning. For now you will be able to see at what stage other tribes are by viewing their Totem info.

We will be testing Totem removal on the Test Server today. The Test Server will be available to the public within a few hours.



Great job. Really looking forward to this. I think its will be a good system and fun to see some undead spawning from them.