It has always amazed us, how players have created such magnificent creations within Xsyon.
And we would like to acknowledge and celebrate this by creating another Architecture Contest.
Starting from the 1st of February Survivors will have 1 month to alter/re-design, create and expand their Tribes to show them off in all their glory!
The Closing date is the 1st of March 2012.
We will be looking for…
The Contest will be separated into 2 groups, Small Tribes and Large Tribes.
Small tribes are considered 1-5 active members.
Large Tribes are considered 6+ active members.
There will be a large Prize for the winning tribe in each group.
The last Architecture Event was outstanding, can the Survivors Amaze us again?
If you want to take part Please send me a private message to my inbox with the following details...
Round 3 will start perhaps the 2nd week in march. Or I might wait till the end of March to see if we have any new architecture recipes that have been released.
Would you consider pushing round 2 back a couple of weeks instead? I too have a lot of terrafoming and rebuilding to do thanks to the larger roof items. Do round 3 in another month or three after your team patches and debugs the next group of items
I'm a bit confused as to how this works. When do they view the tribe (and who are they?) I hoped we would be "showing" our handy work because there are certain things a casual passer by may not see but I guess they know what they are looking for.
I hope they do the showing differently than last time. I hope they teleport people to each city to check it out. I know a lot of people didnt get to see the cities.