I'm kind of surprised by the responses in this thread.

This is the apocalypse and it seems a number of players want their new world to be safe from other players. I think this is the same kind of thinking that brought us to this end in the first place. I want to exercise lawlessness in my new make believe world. If I want safety and boundaries, I'll stop playing and go outside to the real world.

Playing with virtual dolls and building extravagant doll houses all day long is fun, but only for a while. At some point I want to kill the other dolls, take their stuff and burn their houses down. Hell, I'm building mine with the idea of defense, that's part of the fun. Mind you, it shouldn't be easy. Balance can be had.

I'm subbed to this game with the firm understanding that it will simulate reality to the best of it's ability, including murder.

I really liked the OP's quote, but obviously I'm pvp oriented. But I also enjoy the pve and crafting. Alas, my perfect game...almost.