Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
When you start playing you will find out that its not, you will tend to find common grounds on items you sorta need and are easy to trade with other people. Nails are a good example because most people need nails for a lot of different reasons, and not just a couple but 1000s of them.

So unless you are looking for a few special items (which normally you would be the one starting the trade this way) you will trade for commonly used items. People are unlikely to have things you need in the QL or bulk #s you need. Listing 1000s of items then trying to agree on the basic worth of them doesnt work well in Xsyon for many reasons.

Anyways, I can talk until Im blue in the face about how economy works, and things to make it work, but unless they change something about it I dont see Xsyon's economy going anywhere anytime soon.

Basic problems are
1)Way to many resources, and are too easy to get.
2)No true local resources.
3)Items that are crafted have little worth save for very very few of them.
4)99% of the items you make are not used for anything and are just deleted.
5)QL of an item rarely matters because the item itself is what is needed.
6)Transporting items (even with carts which is a LOTLOTLOT BETTER NOW) is very slow and hard to do.
I think you missed the point of what I was saying. I wasnt disagreeing with him. I was agreeing.