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  1. #1
    Ok, first of all, read the update properly, you dimwit. Most of what you are asking are is allready answered in the post.

    And you are not supposed to scavenge safely, there is supposed to be danger in it. If someone attacked you and you decided to drop your shit and run instead of fighting back, how silly would it be that the attacker couldnt loot the stuff you left? This is not carebear heaven and im very happy that the Devs are changing this stuff. If you dont like it, too bad.

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    If they don't put some kind of timer? I will no longer play this game. Because all this comes to PVP bashing and making play as hard as possible for solo players.
    I just want to know now if I should continue to play Xsyon. I had quit another game due to PVP vocal and I will quit this one as well.
    If I understood correctly? all these changes due to Major tribes wanted to force people to join them.
    I love my play as a solo and will only group with the big tribe if I could keep my totem and what's around it separated.
    And have a safe way to do things around Xsyon.

    OK, first of all/!!!
    It is going out in the next one.
    If I just started to play Xsyon and have no skill nor experience, and some dude who already have experience and is built for PVP run after me? what am I supposed to do?
    Or I am only built for scavenge, build and trade and have no interest in PVP?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    If they don't put some kind of timer? I will no longer play this game. Because all this comes to PVP bashing and making play hard as possible for solo players.
    I just want to know now if I should continue to play Xsyon. I had quit another game due to PVP vocal and I will quit this one as well.
    If I understood correctly? all these changes due to Major tribes wanted to force people to join them.
    I love my play as a solo and will only group with the big tribe if I could keep my totem and what's around it separated.
    And have a safe way to do things around Xsyon.

    OK, first of all/!!!
    It is going out in the next one.
    If I just started to play Xsyon and have no skill nor experience, and some dude who already have experience and is built for PVP run after me? what am I supposed to do?
    Or I am only built for scavenge, build and trade and have no interest in PVP?

    Sounds like you should stay close to home, get allies, learn to fight, pay people for help, join a tribe for protection, or live where no one is at.

    The public containers has been talked about since day 1. Those permissions on grass baskets (haha yea right) were a temp thing that was just for a time until things can be sorted.

    You still have time right now to figure out what you are doing, no one can get into your private baskets.

    You want to be safe? Stay near your totem, or do any of those other things I listed. There was no hiding this. I love the "I will quit card" guess what, 1000s already quit because of the changes were not in on release. I expect them to start coming back now that features are being added that were promised.

    Solo players will have it hard. They have said that for a while.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Sounds like you should stay close to home, get allies, learn to fight, pay people for help, join a tribe for protection, or live where no one is at.

    The public containers has been talked about since day 1. Those permissions on grass baskets (haha yea right) were a temp thing that was just for a time until things can be sorted.

    You still have time right now to figure out what you are doing, no one can get into your private baskets.

    You want to be safe? Stay near your totem, or do any of those other things I listed. There was no hiding this. I love the "I will quit card" guess what, 1000s already quit because of the changes were not in on release. I expect them to start coming back now that features are being added that were promised.

    Solo players will have it hard. They have said that for a while.

    The minute it comes out? I am out for good.
    One week for basket or cart to stay under privet? is not to much to give player a chance to pickup things.
    I will not join large tribe to be given orders do this do that, and if I don't want to do what they say they will kick me out and I am going to end-up on my own? no thanks.
    Maybe I want to start a big tribe and be boss of it.
    If Xsyon don't want supporters? I understand I'll wait for another post Apocalyptic game.

    You want PVP? wait until tribal wars, don't ruing this game for so many PVE/solo players who could support this game effectively.
    I didn't answered this earlier.
    There a lot of land around, don't need to place totem on top of the scrap pile.

  5. #5
    @znaiika if you want to leave, leave. Please don't throw a temper tantrum and pretend you speak for all pve/solo players. It's not the end of the world, to be honest. [Hah i made a post-apocalyptic joke xD ]

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    Look around all MMO games, once they start to push out PVE players? game dies or drops in population. Good example with Darkfall and such.
    I am not going to argue with you I have more important things to do.
    If a devs could tell me now if that is the case? then I could leave now and never come back, so You PVPers could have your safe haven.

  7. #7
    No actually you got that all ass-backwards.

    If you were making a game with open world pvp and then start catering to PVE players who throw narcissistic tantrums over minor game changes, thats when you start to loose everyone else. Im not going to argue with you either, not because I dont have anything better to do but because you are clearly too dumb to understand. I thought you would be out looking for a different game to play?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    If a devs could tell me now if that is the case? then I could leave now and never come back, so You PVPers could have your safe haven.
    If you want to know a dev's answer I'd suggest you to email them, they don't read every thread on the forum, so that's a better method. You can as well make a suggestion in your email about the timer you would like to be placed.

    The weekly Q/A is a proper place to ask such questions as well, but I guess you would get more detailed answer through email.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    The minute it comes out? I am out for good.
    One week for basket or cart to stay under privet? is not to much to give player a chance to pickup things.
    I will not join large tribe to be given orders do this do that, and if I don't want to do what they say they will kick me out and I am going to end-up on my own? no thanks.
    Maybe I want to start a big tribe and be boss of it.
    If Xsyon don't want supporters? I understand I'll wait for another post Apocalyptic game.

    You want PVP? wait until tribal wars, don't ruing this game for so many PVE/solo players who could support this game effectively.
    I didn't answered this earlier.
    There a lot of land around, don't need to place totem on top of the scrap pile.
    Good riddance.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    If they don't put some kind of timer? I will no longer play this game. Because all this comes to PVP bashing and making play hard as possible for solo players.
    I just want to know now if I should continue to play Xsyon. I had quit another game due to PVP vocal and I will quit this one as well.
    If I understood correctly? all these changes due to Major tribes wanted to force people to join them.
    I love my play as a solo and will only group with the big tribe if I could keep my totem and what's around it separated.
    And have a safe way to do things around Xsyon.

    OK, first of all/!!!
    It is going out in the next one.
    If I just started to play Xsyon and have no skill nor experience, and some dude who already have experience and is built for PVP run after me? what am I supposed to do?
    Or I am only built for scavenge, build and trade and have no interest in PVP?
    Yes its allready gone in but as it plainly says in the post "- Bins are currently safe on Public Land, but this safety will be removed when we start Tribe Decay." So its not activated yet.
    If you didnt allready read the features page, Id like you to have a look at these 2 points:
    "- The world is open to free combat with the exception of tribe zones."
    "- Players can fully loot others players but can't take containers in use (..)"
    This should have been your first clue that Xsyon features PVP and will continue to develope that concept. These changes and future changes are NOT due to a vocal pvp crowd and it certainly has nothing to do with larger tribes vs solo players. This is going in because this is the kind of game that was planned and its the kind of game that the developers want. Those intentions have never been hidden to players, new or old.

    If you are attacked by someone stronger than you, either make sure that you have friends nearby (you can still make friends eventhough you are solo, cant you?) or make sure you are faster than they are.

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