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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    If talks like we have now? PVPers don't even let anyone else's ideas to be excepted just their own, creating wars and refusals.
    You know that many don't want PVP drama?
    I'm not talking about you talking Im talking about the devs talking. You give ideas, they read it. They talk amongst themselves, and come up with what they want to do. That's a normal thing to do with dev's.
    The devs would also be made up of many types of views of play-styles. If they only had 1 view of the play-style they wanted, they wouldn't need PVE or PVPers input because they would be on the same page.

    I dont see how PVPer's dont let anyone's else's ideas. If you have flawed or bad ideas, people will point that out. In a debate you need to bring facts, and opinions. You dont just bring opinions and hope people accept them.
    Right now, you are not making much sense because you keep bringing your opinion in, and have no data or facts to support it. Thus your reasoning isnt being shown. You could have a good idea without reasoning and it wont be accepted because people dont know the reason yet.
    Also you are ignorant (not meaning in a degrading way just means you lack knowledge) of a lot of things going on in game, and on the testing/dev side of things. I am also in many ways just less than you as Ive been around for a while.

    The topic is about polls of the PVE vs PVP server. This dead horse has been beat many times. You should read the other threads on it. Xsyon himself posted many times on them its really clear what he was saying.

    Your version of PVE, isnt even one of his options.

  2. #42
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    1: I'm not talking about you talking Im talking about the devs talking. You give ideas, they read it. They talk amongst themselves, and come up with what they want to do. That's a normal thing to do with dev's.
    2: Your version of PVE, isnt even one of his options.
    1: OK I understand that.
    2: I am not saying Xsyon should change to PVE version only.
    3: I am simply saying to have as many options as possible, then let those options out on a poll and see what people think of those options, then make a decision on what is best, and which version will bring more income based on how many players willing to spend their money, knowing that they would have maximum entertainment for the money and time they spend.

    And I don't know if Xsyon want PVP or PVE or mixed.
    But I can tell this, Xsyon was created to generate income, to have income you have to have as many supporters as possible, it is in best interest for Xsyon to know what most people want.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by fotuenti View Post
    i respectfully disagree
    I have to agree with you here.

    I have no clue what Znaiika gets his information from.

    He has never obviously studied the Roman Legions, the largest group of "combat engineers" in history. They were soldiers first, engineers second. They were responsible for most of the roads in Europe up until the dark ages. They built a fort around a besieged city, that THEY were laying siege to because the cities allies were coming to break the siege. They did this in less than a month. They also built two walls across lower Scottland, Hadrian's Wall and Antonine Wall further to the north. Hadrians wall is 120km long, and Antonines wall is 63km long. Both were over 10ft tall, and Hadrians wall took 6 years to build, and Antonines took 12.

    So cant say they build quality, because Hadrians wall still has sections that are standing TO THIS DAMNED DAY!

    You can do quality, you HAVE to do quality on the battlefield, take it from someone who has been on one, ME. If you half-ass something, you will die, so you dont half ass anything on the battlefield.

    Znaiika, please stop talking out your ass, and just give it up already and go to Hello Kitty Online or WoW and leave us alone.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    1: OK I understand that.
    2: I am not saying Xsyon should change to PVE version only.
    3: I am simply saying to have as many options as possible, then let those options out on a poll and see what people think of those options, then make a decision on what is best, and which version will bring more income based on how many players willing to spend their money, knowing that they would have maximum entertainment for the money and time they spend.

    And I don't know if Xsyon want PVP or PVE or mixed.
    But I can tell this, Xsyon was created to generate income, to have income you have to have as many supporters as possible, it is in best interest for Xsyon to know what most people want.

    That's right you dont know. Because you have not been around, Xsyon has ALWAYS said he wants a mixed server. PVE only server isnt an option. FFA PVP server is the ONLY option. The options are FFA PVP with safe zones, or FFA PVP with no safe zones.

    You keep going with "what most people want" who cares about "most people" you need to what Xsyon himself has said MANY MANY times. Which is a mixed server. PVP but with punishments. He wants some evils but not a ton of people out there being all evil and little good/neutral.

    This has been said already like 10 threads with 100s of posts. This is why we have the server choice we have now, you should read up a bit more of what was posted and these topics and maybe you will understand more. Then try playing the game more and learn how to play it, it helps to give you understanding and perspective.

  5. #45
    Xsyon Citizen
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    My actual point guys is!!!
    If limiting someone to do only some things? like: limiting people to crafting, limiting people to have their voice, limiting people to be free and go out anywhere they want without fear of being jumped, etc.etc.etc. is never a good idea.
    As much as you don't like if someone tell you "you can't craft what you want"? same someone else don't like it if you tell him "you can't have freedom to do what you want or where you can go or what you can craft".
    Everything is supposed to be possible for solo player as well, it should only take longer to gather resources and things like that.

    You keep on saying same thing over and over, it's clear that you don't want unwanted players in the game.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    My actual point guys is!!!
    If limiting someone to do only some things? like: limiting people to crafting, limiting people to have their voice, limiting people to be free and go out anywhere they want without fear of being jumped, etc.etc.etc. is never a good idea.
    As much as you don't like if someone tell you "you can't craft what you want"? same someone else don't like it if you tell him "you can't have freedom to do what you want or where you can go or what you can craft".
    Everything is supposed to be possible for solo player as well, it should only take longer to gather resources and things like that.

    You keep on saying same thing over and over, it's clear that you don't want unwanted players in the game.

    So what you want, is A Tale in the Desert?

    Because that has all those things you want.

    Or Wurm Online.

    So how about you go there.

  7. #47
    Everything is supposed to be possible for solo player as well, it should only take longer to gather resources and things like that.
    Not this, please... I know that everyone want to play the game as they like. But let any single player able to be self sufficient can kill any game. Look at Darkfall, everybody can craft everything, can fight in any style they like. It ended in no commerce at all (apart a little buch of items like rare ores and taints of khamset) where the more you play the more you win. We already have this situation in Xsyon, a single player can be a master bonecrafter, build his own fortress, craft his vhq blade and so on. The result is that everyone is in theyr homestead/tribe with no need to go around exploring and the game feels more empity than it actual is.
    I think we need, and soon, a skill decay/cap/anything to put diversity in game. A master leathercrafter shouldn't be able to be a master toolcrafter as well. If he needs any tool to craft an armor he can join a tribe or trade with other players. And honestly, i would love something arsher. A master leatercrafter should craft just one high set and to learn his set he should forget how to craft, for example, leater straps (at least of good quality). In this way you have 2 sub professions in leathercraft: the one to craft armor and the one to model raw leather, both valuable profession. Or a third one, the leatercrafter who can do both but limited to middle class armors (still a good choice since he can sell to new players). But really, i know that this last idea can be too much for the majority of players.
    But, back on topic, let people be self sufficient can kill the game in few months. And from what i remeber devs are against this possibility (expecially the killing one i guess :P ).

    And about the two servers/two areas, mine was not a solution. If it was that easy to solve the problem we were not talking about that now

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Grushenko View Post
    Not this, please... I know that everyone want to play the game as they like. But let any single player able to be self sufficient can kill any game. Look at Darkfall, everybody can craft everything, can fight in any style they like. It ended in no commerce at all (apart a little buch of items like rare ores and taints of khamset) where the more you play the more you win. We already have this situation in Xsyon, a single player can be a master bonecrafter, build his own fortress, craft his vhq blade and so on. The result is that everyone is in theyr homestead/tribe with no need to go around exploring and the game feels more empity than it actual is.
    I think we need, and soon, a skill decay/cap/anything to put diversity in game. A master leathercrafter shouldn't be able to be a master toolcrafter as well. If he needs any tool to craft an armor he can join a tribe or trade with other players. And honestly, i would love something arsher. A master leatercrafter should craft just one high set and to learn his set he should forget how to craft, for example, leater straps (at least of good quality). In this way you have 2 sub professions in leathercraft: the one to craft armor and the one to model raw leather, both valuable profession. Or a third one, the leatercrafter who can do both but limited to middle class armors (still a good choice since he can sell to new players). But really, i know that this last idea can be too much for the majority of players.
    But, back on topic, let people be self sufficient can kill the game in few months. And from what i remeber devs are against this possibility (expecially the killing one i guess :P ).

    And about the two servers/two areas, mine was not a solution. If it was that easy to solve the problem we were not talking about that now
    Or follow the old Roma Victor system.

    Your intelligence is your cap for your skills, the lower your intelligence the less skills you can have in the 90s. It balances out nicely and gives the intelligence stat something to do other than be a dump stat.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    You know that many don't want PVP drama?
    It's a PVP game!

    Quote Originally Posted by Grushenko View Post
    But, back on topic, let people be self sufficient can kill the game in few months. And from what i remeber devs are against this possibility (expecially the killing one i guess :P
    I agree 100%

    Znaiika I have an idea for you. Go to the suggestions forum, make suggestions and then let it go. This is what reasonable adults do. If it requires a second post to clarify a point then do that. However just because you keep repeating the same thing over and over doesn't mean it is going to happen and it makes you sound like a spoiled adolescent. I personally would quite Xsyon if some of these things you suggest were to happen.

    Personally I love the game as is and I love the direction it is going. So far I have not been killed ONCE by another player in 10 months and you want more safety? Sorry but you talk about this stuff as if you have some great experience in XSYON and you do NOT!

    There ARE safe zones for PVE crafting exc, Tribal lands. As YOU suggested, if you need some things then buy them from someone who has enough stones to go out into the scary world and get them.

  10. #50
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grushenko View Post
    But, back on topic, let people be self sufficient can kill the game in few months. And from what i remeber devs are against this possibility (expecially the killing one i guess :P ).
    Is this has to change to fit your style?
    Stated in features.
    ""Everyone is a hero in Xsyon. Your character begins with decent base statistics but is unskilled an untrained. In time your character will gain knowledge and develop the crafts and skills to flourish in this new world.""

    In case you didn't read this?
    Xsyon is Flexible:

    As a player, explorer and settler of this new virtual world you have many choices. You can play as a warrior, a trader, a crafter, or a cultivator of crops. You can specialize your skills or become a jack of all trades. You can play as a clan leader or town offical, socially involved with many other players, or you can explore the world as a lone adventurer. Xsyon is a game for all kinds of players from casual to hard core. The path you take is up to you.

    @Willowhawk. I am not afraid of PVP. Where do you guys read or seen my post where I said that someone jumped me or killed me?
    There are so many players willing to support this game, if game has reasonable rules, and many of those player had been chased off Xsyon by many of you.

    Hodo? if you want full time PVP go back to DF.

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