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  1. #81

    Please stop!

    Znaiika by your calculations adding a PVE server will make any MMO succsessful. Guess what?? There are hundreds of failed MMOs out there that were PVE only and they failed Or they went Free to play. Why? Because they failed conceptually. Why can't you understand that Xsyon is uniquely different and will always be different? THAT is why it will be successful. Not because people like you want to turn it into another theme park.

    You insult the Developers by telling them that they have failed because YOU believe this won't work.
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    Or he do what some people tell him to do.
    Based on what you people want and how you act? Xsyon is doomed
    They have been working on this for years. This is their concept and their design not ours. We simply share ideas or make suggestions like reasonable adults. The majority of players who left the game left because "Lack of content" and things to do. Xsyon is growing in popularity as more and more content comes in. Just as the developers had planned. It is Unique like no other game, and I sure hope it stays that way!

    You made your suggestion now if the developers want to put out a poll they will. Or not. But alas it is clear even though the majority of the community here thinks it's a waste of the developers time, you will have the last word, even if it is the same thing you have been repeating over and over and over for freaking days on end. GET HELP MAN!

  2. #82
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Willowhawk View Post
    Znaiika by your calculations adding a PVE server will make any MMO succsessful. Guess what?? There are hundreds of failed MMOs out there that were PVE only and they failed Or they went Free to play. Why? Because they failed conceptually. Why can't you understand that Xsyon is uniquely different and will always be different? THAT is why it will be successful. Not because people like you want to turn it into another theme park.
    Where did I stated PVE server only?
    For your info there are more PVP based games that are going out of business, not PVE based, I have not seen PVE based games that are going out of business, can you link me to one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Willowhawk View Post
    We simply share ideas or make suggestions like reasonable adults.
    Like telling someone to go to another game or telling to shut-up or even telling to quit, that is really "reasonable adults" work.

  3. #83
    Do you mean PVM because PVE by definition includes PVP...?!?
    player versus monsters.. or maybe like pvb player versus buildings.. thats kinda fun.. kinda like darkfall self sieges you pu55y arse biotches would pull... Death to znak and all the do'nt taz me bros !!!

  4. #84
    Xsyon Citizen
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    amish paradise PA
    Quote Originally Posted by coca View Post
    Do you mean PVM because PVE by definition includes PVP...?!?
    player versus monsters.. or maybe like pvb player versus buildings.. thats kinda fun.. kinda like darkfall self sieges you pu55y arse biotches would pull... Death to znak and all the do'nt taz me bros !!!
    Players vs environment = PVE includes following, build, scavenge, fishing, mine, everything that is interacted with environment.

  5. #85
    Email sent round on 03/01/2011 specifically asked all players if they wanted a second server, this idea was shot down BY THE XSYON COMMUNITY, who at that time were mostly carebear whiney crafters just like you.

    You want only to play PVE? Stay on your tribal land, send others to gather things for you, or have others come to you to trade. Beyond that, do us all a favor, get a sock, shove it in your piehole and STFU.

    This has been hashed upon far too long, its not going to happen. Get used to it, get over it, or get lost.

    I hope to god i never find your place in the wild, i will take the risk of being banned for camping and griefing your ass, just for the pleasure it will bring me.

  6. #86
    Xsyon Citizen
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    amish paradise PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyrianna View Post
    Email sent round on 03/01/2011 specifically asked all players if they wanted a second server, this idea was shot down BY THE XSYON COMMUNITY, who at that time were mostly carebear whiney crafters just like you.

    You want only to play PVE? Stay on your tribal land, send others to gather things for you, or have others come to you to trade. Beyond that, do us all a favor, get a sock, shove it in your piehole and STFU.

    This has been hashed upon far too long, its not going to happen. Get used to it, get over it, or get lost.

    I hope to god i never find your place in the wild, i will take the risk of being banned for camping and griefing your ass, just for the pleasure it will bring me.
    Reasonable adult speaks.
    You can camp me all you want I am not afraid of you.
    Come camp me on CSS crackhouse two or sometime three most popular servers, name is Samual Merchant, playing almost everyday after Xsyon crafting.
    And leave Xsyon to professionals.

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyrianna View Post
    Email sent round on 03/01/2011 specifically asked all players if they wanted a second server, this idea was shot down BY THE XSYON COMMUNITY, who at that time were mostly carebear whiney crafters just like you.
    This is not correct. The survey was about saved totems, not if we wanted 2 servers.
    Here are the questions:
    Hello Xsyon Citizen,

    This is an official survey regarding the coming final wipe of Xsyon. Please
    answer yes or no to the questions below. If you have a saved totem you will
    receive a second copy of this survey.

    1) Are you in favor of a complete restart with no saved totems?

    Yes / No.

    2) If we start with two servers are you in favor of a complete restart with
    no saved totems?

    Yes / No.
    There has never been an email poll about different servers.

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    This is not correct. The survey was about saved totems, not if we wanted 2 servers.
    Here are the questions:

    There has never been an email poll about different servers.
    Jadzia, is correct there has never been an email poll about 2 servers. Because Xsyon himself already said why. NO 2 SERVERS!

    He also said if there were going to be 2 servers he would add a WAR server. We already have the "PVE" version of what Xsyon wants. Just FYI.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    Reasonable adult speaks.
    You can camp me all you want I am not afraid of you.
    Come camp me on CSS crackhouse two or sometime three most popular servers, name is Samual Merchant, playing almost everyday after Xsyon crafting.
    And leave Xsyon to professionals.

    When you get good son I might worry. But as long as your playing kids games with CSS, your still a bucket of fail.

    So call people out all you want on your craptastic game, its not going to get people to come over there and WTFPWN U!

    So get gone, stay gone, and be gone.

  10. #90
    Xsyon Citizen
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    amish paradise PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Hodo View Post
    When you get good son I might worry. But as long as your playing kids games with CSS, your still a bucket of fail.

    So call people out all you want on your craptastic game, its not going to get people to come over there and WTFPWN U!

    So get gone, stay gone, and be gone.
    This gets better and better, can someone from guides clean this one up and give him warning? please, he is way off topic, and hes making personal attacks, and so dose the other.
    Or no one cares?

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