Quote Originally Posted by Grushenko View Post
As Banden said, why two servers instead of one server with a better population and a meaningful gameplay? Two servers can be avoided easily with two zones. A pve zone, maybe the actual one, with similar rules as we have now and no full loot; here you can find materials only up to high quality, with those material you can't craft stuff to full durability. In the pvp zone you can find better resources to craft stuff at full durability. Maybe rare patterns can be scavenged in the pvp area or whatever else sounds nice. In this pvp area is possible to siege, safe zones are off, there's obviously full loot, and so on.

This is the first thing that come up to my mind on how the two playstile can cohabit in the same map and same server. No risks: you can be a master crafter but with poor resources. Riks: you can be a master crafter (or kill people to take stuff), you have plenty of resurces and you can lose everything anytime. Cooperation: a pvp gather (or loot) some good bones and bring them to the crafter in cedarrat (if he can survive the travel) to have them turned into an helmet. The pvper don't want to make the travel? Good, player X will do it for 5000 nails or some dollars. Or maybe the tribe Y, settled near the border of the two zones, started to act as a trading hub, they already have the helmet, just give them the bones and a little extra.

Now, why should we drop those possibilities for two servers with two different populations and mutilated gameplay? I think most of us are on this game not just for the pvp, or just the village building, or just the wandering mobs, or just to get sick in the green mist. I think most of us are here for the whole package, for the only sandbox who can provide tons of sand instead of just a box. And i guess that for this sand to be shaped, we need people, people with different vision and different tastes.

Well said. Been saying this for years.