“So Wingnut, what do you want to do today?” …. “Well I guess I will make more armor, I'm up to 300 sets of every type of armor and weapons so I thought I would go for 500 sets” douchenozzle“um...yeah I guess so... I'm getting a little bored making armor and we can't even give this junk away. Hey how about we go exploring and try to find some stuff to steal?”Wingnut“Don't you remember douchenozzle, you got the Xsyon Gods to make all containers safe locked on public lands even though tribe lands are already safe?” douchnozzle“Oh yeah that's right.....” “Well maybe we could umm..... build up our defenses some more? We could add a second defensive perimeter wall?” Wingnut“For what? douchnozzle “Good point” ….... Want to go fishing?” …... Wingnut.... Sure....
A day in the life of Xsyon PVP Server
“So Stomper, what do you want to do today?” …. “Well the Blackfeet tore down our back gate last night and ambushed us this morning so I need to repair the gate” Jarhead“Oh yeah, those sons of bitches. That was a freaking blast!! I can't wait to repay the favor”Stomper“Yeah it was a hoot! They caught us off guard but the funny part is while they were breaking down our gate, we were breaking down their gate. We left it up but it's ready to come down so shouldn't take us two minutes to drop the gate as long as they haven’t checked it they have no idea” Jarhead“Oh Nice work” By the way, how are our supplies doing?”Stomper“Not so good, our crafting team has been busy but with all the battles lately we have been eating up armor as fast as they can make it” Jarhead“Well when do you want to pay our friends a visit?” Stomper“As soon as I get this gate back up, and our allies show up? Jarhead“Who's coming.....?” Stomper “oh only about 30 of our closest allies....” Jarhead ...Sweet....
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.