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Thread: Wiki Flesh Out

  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen Creator's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Xsyon - z739

    Wiki Flesh Out

    Hello Everyone,

    I wanted to acquire feedback from the community regarding the Xsyon Wiki. I asked in game and people seemed receptive, probably no reason not to be) to the idea of fleshing out in game screen shots of every item in game on the wiki.

    Right now most items seem to have icon, with craft window, while useful doesn't really show full item in game in its full awesomeness.

    What I need from you:

    - Post whether or not you feel this would be beneficial
    - Whether you are willing to help by taking screen shots yourself.
    - If you can help by providing presence of the item in game. ( Wear it, spawn it, build it. )

    I would like to make this a community project, not a solo venture for glory and fame. Besides I feel this will go much quicker if not doing it all myself.

    Any replies, feedback, trolling, criticism, and fish are all welcome and appreciated!



  2. #2
    I think its a great idea, the wiki needs some love for sure, it would help new and old players alike. I have no knowledge in wiki editing and as a newer player i don't have access to many items but I am all for revamping the wiki.

    I would think that maybe some guides could help you with items and stuff for your screenshots if you were to ask them as it takes some of the load off of them answering questions when players could just look it up on the wiki for themselves.

  3. #3

    Myself and the Guide team are looking to fully support a wiki.
    However we see their are 2 current wiki's


    So we are at a bit of a dilemma as to which one to support fully, without upsetting the other creator.

    The other option we have is to create our own official wiki created by the Gudies, and assign accounts to players that want to contribute.

    What does everyone think?

  4. #4
    As neither one of these pages have been updated in the last 4 months (last updated in Nov 2011) i doubt you'd be stepping on anyones toes by supporting either one. However, i feel an official page created by members of the Xsyon team would get more support from the community than an unofficial one as the Guides/approved contributors could remove/add proven and accurate information rather than suppositions.

  5. #5
    I think the official wiki idea is the best one..IMO

  6. #6
    I know alot of work was put into those other sites and I appreciate the effort that the players put into them. However, it seems to be a massive challenge for the playerbase to assemble a complete and accurate wiki. I agree an official site would be welcomed and receive more support.

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen Creator's Avatar
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    Xsyon - z739
    I agree please just create an official wiki for Xsyon. if possible and get it rolling. I am willing to help I am sure others would as well but Guide participation would be extremely progressive to the effort.

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Ontario, Canada
    I vote for official site and I would be willing to contribute as well. I was going to do this anyways on the IS Site. I will do it on a official site if given the access.

  9. #9
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Vienna, Austria
    Agreed, I think an offical wiki would be the best solution

    I put some effort in the toolcrafting section of the (and then stopped cause noone else seemed to be interested) and I am willing to redo some of the work, if a "offical" wiki project would be started. Some feature (for toolcrafting eg) would be nice that would answer the often question in global ... "what is XYZ for?" ... a wiki that could answer that would be just nice. ATM we bother MrDDT alot with those questions

  10. #10
    I would love an official WIKI, I could help a lot on something I know isnt going to gone in a month or 2.

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