With talks of the upcoming content releases like Zombies, Totem Decay, etc and eventually free time and some advertising I feel like an important thing to work on before the next influx of players coming in might be the loading times.

It's always been that you are as strong as your weakest link, with everything that has come out and with the upcoming features this game will finally be in a position to make a name for itself.

After everything has been released that is on the table right now Xsyon's weakest link will be it's loading times to get in game. I know there are lots of features that are coming, but my point is if you take what is going to be in game at that time I think the loading times are going to be the most talked about.

There are so many great things you can do in Xsyon and the crowed that was here at launch that came for the PVP will do a lot of complaining about the load times especially when they get killed and are trying to get back to the action as fast as possible.

The only thing I can think of if the loading times can't be decreased would be to get a revive skill in the game and increase the timer from 30 sec to 1-2 min and not allow someone the ability to move around.

Basically when you get killed you would be laying down facing straight up at the sky while your timer is counting down without the ability to move around.

If you are not revived within 1-2 min you would be sent back to your totem.

My suggestion would be a 2 min timer I think that would be balanced when compared to how long you have to wait at the loading screen to get back into the fight.

Also, there's no fast travel in the game like mounts, so when people do across the game world and get sent all the way back to their totem it's just about impossible to come back to the action.

I know that some people will think so what, they were killed so they don't deserve not to come back - however I'm trying to think about the frustration that most people will experience with either really long loading times or not having the ability to revive someone.