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  1. #1

    Returning to the game

    Please excuse me, introductions aren't my forte..

    Hello! I'm returning to the game after a long hiatus. I was enthralled by Xsyon when I first found out about it before the game launched. I, and a group of RL friends, participated in the early access to the game. We started a tribe and quickly grew and started an ambitious territorial project. However, when launch day came, a major rollback undid all the work we had done, which unfortunately crippled our tribe and broke the will of most of the players, including myself.

    Now, here I am, yearning for another sandbox. So I've found myself returning to the game. I'm really excited to get back into it, and I'm definitely looking for a tribe.

    I tend to focus more on crafting and progression in sandboxes. I'm mainly looking for a group of players that are fun to game with, and are goal oriented, and wouldn't mind helping me relearn the game.

    But, I must digress, as this isn't the recruitment forum

    Anywho, I'm looking forward to meeting you guys. Cheers.

  2. #2
    Welcome back to Xsyon.

    If you are looking for a tribe, please click on my sig below to check us out and find more info.
    Or you can check our website out at

  3. #3
    Welcome back to the game, many changes since release


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