Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
I can kill animals without even using water, and not getting hit once, like using a terrain and trees as a tactic, that doesn't mean they have to remove all the trees, because animals can't hit back.
I can kill a toughest bear not entering a water and not getting hit once, sure it takes a little longer, since I don't have a weapon as powerful as yours, but it is possible, and I can do it naked.
If you want to fix water de-buff? just stop animals entering water "to chase you" and you have fixed the problem.
Water should be available for get away.

The animals supposed to be for hunt not for contest.

There is a huge difference from, killing animals using good play style. I am willing to bet that you do get hit sometimes using trees and rocks, mostly because it does take skill to run around and not get hit. It takes skill to parry effectively and not take damage. Not in game leveling up skill but actual player playing skill.

Like in a First Person Shooter game. Getting head shots. Sure someone can get a lot of head shots, and its very powerful to get one. However, it takes great skill to get them. Also they do miss sometimes and mess up.

Fatboy, first Ive earned my HP. Second is, if I cant kill something I dont drag it to water and kill it using a bug. I run away from it. I think using the water or a rock, or a gate to heal up is a great tactic. However killing it when it cant fight back is not ok. It doesnt make the fight fun at all. Where is the fun in killing something that has no chance to even hurt you?

1 second old players shouldnt be killing Shadowbears without even getting hurt. It just doesnt make sense.

I think people need to understand that, gear, skill, teamwork, and tactics should come into play here. Right now there is no need for any of that. I would love to see gear more effective, and I would love to see groups of people out hunting.

My tribe used to hunt in groups now there is no reason too. Just drag them to water and kill them. Plus with the reason that only 1 person gets to skin its even worse.