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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    None the less if this is difficult to you, its because you dont want to learn to play.
    Thats just being unfair. But otherwise I agree with you.

  2. #42
    @tomduril, thanks for the update on the status of quests! Good to know it is functional. Good observations on a few things that need some attention too.

    One problem that has been mentioned in the past is that someone could accept the quest, never complete it, and you would kind of be stuck unable to make a new quest and unable to access the thing you were offering as a reward. It may no longer be that way, or perhaps I had misunderstood from the beginning, but I think that used to be a concern that turned people off.

    How specific can the quest be? For instance, can I ask for a particular type of fabric, in a particular color, with particular stats? I could see that being really helpful to mass production crafters.

    , yes, I'm pretty sure I remember there being talk of "quest" totems in the future that can be placed by a front door rather than requiring access to the main totem. Unfortunately, I don't remember if there was any dev input on the idea.

    , The goods and services forum could be used as sort of a bulleting board / advertisement system for available quests. I've seen people put some pretty detailed trade offers in there!

    Have a super fun week-end folks!

  3. #43
    The most fun I've EVER had in this game, was when they reset all the animals and thousands spawned. It was absolute chaos! Newbs were dying by the truck load and i spent a good deal of time clearing out animals from people's tribelands. So, why not reset them every spring? At least until the AI breeding and distribution are fixed and working properly. This would bring an anticipation/reason to have seasons besides waiting for the white wash to pass. Makes sense to me. Of course I'm no programmer but I would'nt think it would be that hard to reset animals. The OP is absolutely correct here. There ARE NO animals. I don't care what the devs say, they simply do not exist atm. 5 rats and a rabbit in 4 zones is, IMO, not a fucntioning AI. So if they want some PVE elements, just reset AI in the spring and BAMM! Instant fun and fear for everyone....and something to do other then craft useless items...

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Umirshand View Post
    The most fun I've EVER had in this game, was when they reset all the animals and thousands spawned. It was absolute chaos! Newbs were dying by the truck load and i spent a good deal of time clearing out animals from people's tribelands. So, why not reset them every spring? At least until the AI breeding and distribution are fixed and working properly. This would bring an anticipation/reason to have seasons besides waiting for the white wash to pass. Makes sense to me. Of course I'm no programmer but I would'nt think it would be that hard to reset animals. The OP is absolutely correct here. There ARE NO animals. I don't care what the devs say, they simply do not exist atm. 5 rats and a rabbit in 4 zones is, IMO, not a fucntioning AI. So if they want some PVE elements, just reset AI in the spring and BAMM! Instant fun and fear for everyone....and something to do other then craft useless items...

    I agree, I had a lot of fun when this happened. The game feels like a crafting chat room, and to feel like an MMO it will need more excitement forced upon the player from time to time. Hell, to stop it all you have to do is build walls if you really hate it that much. But I think most people will really enjoy it.

    Even better than this, and more realistic, would be to keep the animals fairly rare, since they have such diverse bone parts and uses (dexterity, str, etc)... and then make zombie revenants spawn as much as animals spawned during that one reset and AI patch.. and be very aggressive (50-100 meter aggro ranges).

  5. #45
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    1) You didnt note anything on the skill level of your combat which makes up most of the damage in your attacks.
    2) Weapons being used? Armor being used? (These really dont matter because you dont get hurt and you have all the time in the world to kill it)
    2) Basic math tells you that you would do more damage in the back than 13 when you do 10 to the front.
    3) Even with high AGI people cant catch fleeing deer, you just wait for them to run a a second they will stop and you can easy kill them.
    4) If it takes you 1 to 2 mins to attack 15 times, you are afk or just chilling for most of that time.
    5) You are a crafter toon and clearly you dont want to learn to fight, thus saying you cant fight them isnt the same as you dont want to learn to. Under the current PVE setting anyone can kill any animal without fear very easy.

    None the less if this is difficult to you, its because you dont want to learn to play. It would be like someone saying they dont want to charge up their weapons to attack something and saying animals are too hard.

    About PVE quest totems. Different topic. Adding quests on totems isnt going to change the amount of PVE in the game nor the fun level of the combat.
    All he is saying is!!!!
    He can't do solo some animals without water debuff, he is forced to jump in water even for smaller animals because he can even die from small animals, and if you make animals to fight back in water? then he would not have chance for survival, even if he would want to jump in a water and wait until animal wonder off.
    You can just stay still MrDDT without any fear of dying from small animals, in all that gear and 300 HP, you regenerate HP faster then small animal would damage you, but not the case with new player, and please, telling someone to stay on founders island? is Bs, people enter the world to adventure not to stay in one place.
    I do have low AGI and I did tried to catch deer, it's pointless, seams like deer has a full stamina but in fact it's stamina is 0, I think it is a bug that all animals have.
    It's clear, you don't understand about games mechanics.
    How long it was? using one post and one pole to level Architecture? You didn't even consider that as an exploit, before I came along and mentioned about it on forums, you where OK with that, I think your Architecture should be reset to at least 25

    FYI I stopped using water to kill animals on my own, because I can kill them now without water just fine and it is more fun, I don't try to kill bears if it is too big dear are too fast.

    Would be a lot of fun if animals reset every spring, totally agree.
    Breed should be in more numbers for certain animals, like dogs, mice, etc... more deer packs.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    All he is saying is!!!!
    He can't do solo some animals without water debuff, he is forced to jump in water even for smaller animals because he can even die from small animals, and if you make animals to fight back in water? then he would not have chance for survival, even if he would want to jump in a water and wait until animal wonder off.
    You can just stay still MrDDT without any fear of dying from small animals, in all that gear and 300 HP, you regenerate HP faster then small animal would damage you, but not the case with new player, and please, telling someone to stay on founders island? is Bs, people enter the world to adventure not to stay in one place.
    I do have low AGI and I did tried to catch deer, it's pointless, seams like deer has a full stamina but in fact it's stamina is 0, I think it is a bug that all animals have.
    It's clear, you don't understand about games mechanics.
    How long it was? using one post and one pole to level Architecture? You didn't even consider that as an exploit, before I came along and mentioned about it on forums, you where OK with that, I think your Architecture should be reset to at least 25

    FYI I stopped using water to kill animals on my own, because I can kill them now without water just fine and it is more fun, I don't try to kill bears if it is too big dear are too fast.

    Would be a lot of fun if animals reset every spring, totally agree.
    Breed should be in more numbers for certain animals, like dogs, mice, etc... more deer packs.

    No, he was saying he CAN'T kill it in the water or using the water.

    I can kill any animal using a 1 second old toon. I would be more than happy to show you if you want its very very easy.

    If you let the deer run away for a second, and dont try to follow it right away, it will run about 25m and stop. Then you walk up to it and attack it again. If you start to get hurt pull it back to the water. Its very very simple.

    What are you talking about Architecture here for? Also are you really trying to tell me of all people that I exploited the dismantling the post? Have you seen my city? You have to be kidding me. Ive built more walls floors and roofs than I can count, and likely more than anyone else on the server.

    I'm glad you dont use water to kill them. Sadly it just makes my point even worse. If even a poorly played player like yourself who has little combat training and bad stats can kill them "just fine" sounds like we need to rebalance some of the animals or at the very least group some of them up better.

    Please take your personal attacks of exploiting, your bad ideas and your missunderstanding of what people are saying and just stop posting its really just sad, very very very sad to have to reply to these ignorant posts of yours. ( 1a, I wanted to make sure people didnt think I was using 1b)

    1)Learn the game. I cant stress this enough. LEARN THE GAME. Then think about it, and post.
    2)Reread what was said, understand it, maybe even talk it over with a friend thats playing. I do it all the time. Then post well thought out replies using facts and things that are in game.

  7. #47
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    I'm glad you dont use water to kill them. Sadly it just makes my point even worse. If even a poorly played player like yourself who has little combat training and bad stats can kill them "just fine" sounds like we need to rebalance some of the animals or at the very least group some of them up better.
    I can kill animals because I have made some armor for myself and started with mutilator in my hand, and have a place to hide and using tactics.
    You fast on misjudging people because you're ignorant selfish person.
    If you have so much? why don't you donate some armor and weapons for new players? so they can be better protected.
    Wait, you need slaves, why should anyone survive solo?

    Are you saying that no new player should survive any animals? that's just cold and selfish.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    I can kill animals because I have made some armor for myself and started with mutilator in my hand, and have a place to hide and using tactics.
    You fast on misjudging people because you're ignorant selfish person.
    If you have so much? why don't you donate some armor and weapons for new players? so they can be better protected.
    Wait, you need slaves, why should anyone survive solo?

    Are you saying that no new player should survive any animals? that's just cold and selfish.

    1) Stop the personal attacks. (When I was talking about your player skill, it was because you said you were bad before)
    2) What does me having a ton of stuff have to do with balancing PVE? (Remove your focus on ME as a player, and think of the overall system)
    3) I dont need slaves, heck you said it yourself I have a ton of stuff, why would I need slaves? (Again remove your focus on me as a player and think of the overall system)
    4) Where you getting that Im saying new players cant survive "any" animal? I'm saying that newer players shouldn't be able to kill the hardest animals in the game. The hardest animals in the game should REQUIRE good armor, good weapons, good skills, good stats, and maybe even some teamwork, with lots of good tactics. New players will want to build up killing easier smaller animals and run away, and hide from shadowbears. I think that makes commonsense.

    Overall, I can see you want to try to talk about me as a player, when you need to remove that from what's going on. Think of players as advanced, new, vets, crafters, PVPers, PVEers etc.

    You are doing a lot of talk about Me (MrDDT) the player, instead of think of the system that's working or not working here.

    If advanced players, or vets, or high stat combat guys whatever you want to call MrDDT, is having issues having fun in the game. Whether you like it or not, there is a problem. Other players will get there. Now what you have to do is value how much that is a problem and how soon it will be a bigger problem.

    Other side of the coin is newer players, or crafters, or low skilled players are having a problem in game also, again you have to value how much thats a problem, how soon it will be a bigger problem or maybe even how soon it will be fixed with them being advanced in skill or stats.

    Right now, I see a problem for both Advanced players / Vets, and new players with no skills. Which Ive already talked about in this thread.

  9. #49
    Znaiika, don't feed the trolls as it's the drama that just keeps it negative and wasting everyone else's time reading these forums.

    If you see an idea you like, discuss it, promote it, kindly debate it, but adding fuel to a drama queen's fire is a failing proposition every single time that will only be manipulated and distorted to work against you. I hate to say it, but you can't win. It can't be done but the very act of trying is playing right into the silly little games and thus constitutes failure from the get-go.

    Focus on the positive, don't get lured in by the rest. You'll eventually see they only get lip service anyway while the game continues to improve in a direction the rest of us like.

  10. #50
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    Znaiika, don't feed the trolls as it's the drama that just keeps it negative and wasting everyone else's time reading these forums.

    If you see an idea you like, discuss it, promote it, kindly debate it, but adding fuel to a drama queen's fire is a failing proposition every single time that will only be manipulated and distorted to work against you. I hate to say it, but you can't win. It can't be done but the very act of trying is playing right into the silly little games and thus constitutes failure from the get-go.

    Focus on the positive, don't get lured in by the rest. You'll eventually see they only get lip service anyway while the game continues to improve in a direction the rest of us like.
    Agree with you here, overall I do think shadow bears need to be hard but not too hard, small animals not as much deadly, more animals in the world, faster animal breed and grow, stamina should work for animals as well, reset on spring for now based on animal population and fixed water bug.

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