MrDTT join Xsyon in Feb of 2010, And from talks with him I think he has been around even longer than that. I joined Mar of 2010, And I knew that there would be zombies in the game from that same month. So zombies as far as I know has aways going to be apart of the game.

I see that you joined Xsyon in Jan of 2011, And have just over 200 post/comments. Not sure if you joined and jumped right in game or not, But you do seem to be a little behind on what is and what is not happening with Xsyon. I'm not like MrDDT and think you should leave the game, But it may help you on the forums and talking about the game here if you was to take a day or two and dig into the forums. Most of us has been talking about this game for two years or longer. We have cover a lot of ground, And found that some things seem to be set in stone while othere things the players can have a say in.

Check out the Questions of Week http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthrea...nswers-by-week That will give you a leg up, And dig around the forums, Jump in-game and talk to the players. It want take long to catch up.