This isn't as bad as Q3 2011 (log in and get kicked after 5 minutes every time) however lately I have been getting a lot of disconnects. Maybe 1 per hour on average, and sometimes they come in quick succession, maybe 10 minute after logging in.
But on average I'd say at least 5-10 d/c per day. And crashes too. Game just freezes and goes into not responding.
I get alot of DC's as well, usually when i'm transferring the entire contents of one basket to another, however lately i've been getting DC'd while just standing around doing nothing. I hope this is one of the problems that will be addressed with the optimization patch in the morning.
No D/Cs here in weeks. I get a crash once about every 3 days or so if I happen to stay on for hours at a time. Last couple of crashes were D3D/animation crashes, I think, as I was just standing in one spot gathering stone/sand when it happened.
I haven't had zone change related issues (crashing, objects not loading) since the zone subdividing and tree change.
I have seen an increase in crashes too. I've also had missing objects (trees, rocks, totems, structures, even the terraformed earth) as travel around the map, but it only last for a short time before everything loads up again.
for me 1 crash every 5 hours seems to be normal ... so normally I only experience 1 cash in an evening - either i am lucky or i avoid doing "bad stuff" that breaks the client.