Temple of Gods - Player Organised - 2012/04/08

Greetings Survivors!

On 2012/04/01 - this coming Sunday, The Temple of Gods - Player Organised Event will take place created by Whorlok.

If you wish to take part, please provide the following information below...

Character Name:
Tribe Name:
If you wish to be an Attacker or Defender:

The Deadline for entrants is Saturday 12am PST

Each participating Player or Tribe will create a temple out of stacks of wood. Outside of their Tribe safezone.

We require different size temples, and the larger the size temple, the more prizes you will get.

You may choose from: 3x3 Stack of Logs Temple / 5x5 Stack of Logs / 7x7 Stack of Logs

Each temple should be built in this formation...

|||| |||| ||||
|||| XXX ||||
|||| |||| ||||

You will place a bin in the centre, marked by the X.

The Amount of bins you can place is dependent on the Temple size...

3x3 = 1 bin
5x5 = 2 bins
7x7 = 3 bins

You will then need to choose a God for each Bin. And then Label the Bin with your Tribe name and the God you have chosen.
These bins will need to be open to public, so that Guides can place the tokens, and the attackers can loot.

- The "god of armor" they called him "GUIDE MIHR"
- The "godess of weapons" they called her "GUIDE SOPHIA"
- The "god of resources" they called him "GUIDE FORFAX"

This will determine what Items you get in your Bin at the end of the event.

Inside each of these bins, we will place a token Item.

The object for the Defenders is to defend the bins with the Tokens inside them, we will then count how many tokens are left a the end of the event, and reward accordingly.

The object for Attackers is to destroy the Temples, and claim the Tokens inside the bin, these will then be handed to the Guide to claim the rewards as attackers. (Right click Destroy, is your friend).

Starting at 12pm PST each defender will get 1 hour to Build their temples with the logs they have gathered. (You may gather the logs required to build your temple right now. And store them).
At 1pm PST we will give the go ahead for the attackers to lay siege to the defenders Temples.

No Building the temple before 12pm PST on 2012/04/08
No attacking before 1pm PST on 2012/04/01
Attackers must wait for the go ahead from the Gods in order to begin the Attacking.