I love the idea and see myself using this type of feature when new lands open up. I don't think we would even need a new model as you describe. Why not utilize the existing small tents already in game? No terraforming for sure, you would need to find a small flat spot to pitch your tent and start a fire. This would make more sense when "Comfort" is introduced. I agree, I don't want to have to grind just to be competitive.

My passion is exploring and finding something unique or rare to discover. I want to have fun out exploring and if I have to defend myself from animals or enemies to find that special something, so be it. Why shouldn't those risks not yeild something worth trading for other things that I need from established tribes. For that to work, I need to have high resource skill and corresponding stats and find something that is not pasted all over the map. What I like the most is the minimal impact on the world environment as the "nomad" does not disturb the land as he passes through. This was similar to the vision of the launch time tribe "Nomads of Xsyon" which are now of course apparantly extinct.

This is all a pipe dream at the moment as our current mist controlled map has been exhuasted of the few and currently useless rare resources that did exist. Not to mention the prevalent totems that litter the landscape. However it is all still possible for the future of Xsyon.

Hartley/ Brees