Quote Originally Posted by Zosso View Post
Thanks for the fast answer

a)You can find where you dropped them, or they should be in your pack.

I got killed and i think they got looted away from me, or do i missunderstand the full loot option?

If i kill someone i can take everything he has on body and inventory or not?Or is it limited or can i go back to my body and take the items again

Thanks for clarification.

Only Zombies and players can loot you. Animals will not loot you. Zombies will only take items off that you are wearing. Players can take anything from you.

If you died to an animal or jumping off a cliff, all the items will be on your person that you had on you before when you respawn. Any items you left on the ground (you dont drop anything when you die) will be at the spot you dropped them as long as a player doesnt loot them.