Quote Originally Posted by zoria View Post
Truly a Great idea Ryan!

What I would want;
- A beginners guide, pretty detailed, with instruction videos. (some are already on the internet, they just need written explanation)
- Blog posts with updates, community videos etcetera
- Database of Xsyon tribes, including region, and interest.

If you need any help, I sure can do that. I got Dutch servers up and running 24/7 so if you would like a host, im your guy!
That sounds good. I was thinking about the tribe database. It could include a map, leaders, link to their website recruitment page, etc.

I'm OK for hosting, but thanks for the offer. I can pretty much do all the back-end development.

Quote Originally Posted by lordadamar View Post
I would like to see an in-depth Wiki type website...
Item lists
Crafting break downs, i.e. I wanna make a shovel I need blah blah, and blah blah comes from this..
Attribute break downs and what you have to do to raise them
Compilation of what attributes are needed for what trade skill and what they do.. Searchable so I click " toolmaking" it tells me primary and secondary attributes needed, and what other skill would be a good fit around this...

That was off the top of my head will think of more...
Great ideas, I would put attributes under(for example) professions > Woodcraft(info on this page about primary and secondary attributes, info about how it fits into the game, etc) > Items > Medium wood handle(break down of items needed to craft, links to items required to craft, etc)

Another idea is(for example) stats > fortitude(how fortitude affects your character, which professions improve fortitude and links to those professions)