Quote Originally Posted by Tournus View Post
It -is- the developers job to make sure the performance is on par. If a high-end rig cannot run the game at max setting and must settle for medium or low, how do you think a low mid-range to low end system will perform? You go to a bank to cash a check and the teller says, "I'm sorry, it'll only be ten minutes, the computer is processing your account information." Would that be okay? No.

Regardless of what is being rendered, how it is being rendered, and what algorithms are going on, acceptable performance is a must for any piece of software. It should be planned for in the development process. If an application is too slow, then a solution must be found. Lowering the settings is not an excuse if you have the proper hardware. Your car that is under warranty starts to make a terrible noise if you accelerate over 50 mph on the highway. You take it to the dealership and they say, "Well, do not go that fast on the highway." Would that be okay? No.

I understand that the team developing Xsyon is small and that they have other things to worry about. Right now the focus is on fixing gameplay. The point to be made here is that Xsyon still runs pretty bad and if they ever want to attempt to draw in others who are on the fence about the game or genre, then the performance must improve. Not everyone has an expensive piece of hardware (even with those who do, a large portion of them have only average framerates). Treyu is not just complaining about his rig. He is bringing up a valid technical problem which is that the performance is Xsyon is shoddy, effecting the potential size of Xsyon's player base, and the enjoyment of its end-users.

This game should not require high-end hardware, even at max settings. I really like this game's concept and wish it the best, but it has performance issues. Plain and simple.

Being an auto mechanic for 17 years before I went to school for game design, if your breaking in a new engine or a brand new car, you shouldn't be going on the free way and going 50-70 miles an hour to break in the engine, so using this is not a good way to show to some people lol...

Anyways I understand if he is having issues, but as far as the Devs go , which I know this part because I'm in the field and build games so when you have different systems and graphics cards to properly configure, and find out who is having the issues, and it could be a small % of people, and how often is it on the users end, they claim its not, and you find out it is the user.. I'm not saying Xsyon is perfect with the performance, but I do see the improvement, if its a game you love you will adjust the settings until they fix it....

Now I have played nearly every P2P MMO on the market, and most of them I end up adjusting settings to get it to run the way I want to, I find that funny how Mortal online saying how great your FPS is in that game because I have 3 machines 2 which are high end and the other it was high end 3 years ago, all of them run badly in that game but run nearly most games flawless after I switch up the settings.

Mortal online good luck even getting that thing to download right with out bugs and issues, I use The Unreal Engine for games, and its not hard to use and that company has no idea what there doing and to pick that engine for a game like Mo was a bad idea by that I can tell that lack the experince and by what I have seen they don't care, the Owner of the game is spoiled brat that has daddy giving him money to try and make a game that he has no idea what he is doing,
Now we have Xsyon we have a team and a leader who tells us every move he makes, when he gets sick , or when he takes a crap, which I wouldn't tell gamers anything because they find anything to bitch about no matter what..

Gamers today find any reason to complain , if it was the perfect game that would complain and give no answer to why they are or advise or replys to what they want, because they just like to whine, I wish for one second gamers would start making even a small scale gamel Pacmanm Mario , what ever when your done , tell me if its perfect and see how many things can and will go wrong..

It gets old listening to people complain, advise , stop whining and just ask for advise on how to fix it, have patience, if you don't check back a year , or months later, because you just annoy the devs with your whining and they need to stay on track on what there doing.

Now if this was Earthrise, I could see you complaining, being a beta tester since Alpa, of ER, MO, and playing Xsyon since we could, and I use these 3 because there Indie's, Xsyon is the best one because the Devs care, they talk to us, and they patch alot, and try, they do not ignore us like Earthrise did, they do not lie to us like Mortal online does.
Is Xsyon perfect again no, but atleast they try and inform us on what is going on and I'm sure Jordi knows there is issues, if you knew the back story of Xsyon, just maybe you would be more understanding, but being a gamer maybe not because some people want it there way or no way, which is another reason, New Devs refuse to make games like Xsyon, because of gamers acting like spoiled brats.

We will continue to see the WOW clones if gamers keep acting the way they do, give Devs just a little of respect.....


By the way I had almost no lag for about 3 hrs of play, I just came back and its been pretty good, bugs very few so far... So I can see the improvements from beta, from release , and now, I can see they have done alot of work on the UI as well which I found to be appealing and a bit more polished then before which is a very good thing.

I see some things that need improving and I know they will do so, and Xsyon will be around I'm sure in years to come because they don't have publisher to worry about or huge teams, so that way they can continue to Develop the game that Jordi wanted to from the get go, I listen to a Podcast that Jordi did awhile back on my frienbs website and I can't wait to see the future plans he discussed during the cast, sounds awesome and by seeing the work they have done so far I'm sure in a years timeor even two we will see the game we all wanted , I know some want it all know but guess what shit happens..... Deal with it..