Quote Originally Posted by Shill View Post
I call total BS on this and would have to see it to believe it. With 100 running and an good agility suit (150ish AGI) it takes a good amount of time for me to get from 820 down to 696 if visiting River/Willow. You must have 250+ agility or you're blowing steam again...

I have just over 200 AGI. Plus maybe I'm off by 3 or 4 mins. Either way its not that big of a map when you consider most of it is water, which is very fast. I dont know what a "Good amount of time" is but getting from 820 to 696 wouldnt take but like 6mins for me, maybe less. Use roads and water, as they help a lot.

Added after 6 minutes:

Quote Originally Posted by prokop15 View Post
Limited local resources that are controlled through PvP.
Risk vs Reward, where the risk is PvP. People buy big expensive mission and mining fits, but the only time they are lost is in PVP.
The vast majority of the items and resources are being expended in PvP. The demand for items is due to PvP. The supply for items is controlled by PvP. EVE IS ABOUT PVP.

Oh, so Hodo was lying when he said it took him ~1 hour to travel between his totem and IS' or the Merc's? You can travel from corner to corner in 15 minutes... are you carrying a full cart?

Oh and that reminds me of another issue I saw playing last week -- extreme imbalance of stats. Dang came and visited me by my totem one day, and if it was any game other than Xsyon, I would have reported him for speed hacking. But I know that this is Xsyon, where the character creation and stat system is THAT bad. Remember when Jordi spent months reassuring everyone how people would be generally able to avoid ganks? 99% of the characters in game would have no chance escaping Dang.

Now, you may think the previous paragraph is off-topic, but it's not. Who do you balance carts for? The players with top speed, middle speed, or bottom speed? Top encumbrance, middle encumbrance, or bottom encumbrance? It apparently takes you 15 minutes to cross from one corner of the map to another, yet it takes Hodo around an hour to move a shorter distance, between two tribe totems. How long do you think it takes for the characters built for skills that dont include agility and strength, a few hours? and with a cart? ROFL.

PVP doesnt have to play any part at all. I dont know why you feel PVP is the only way for this to happen. Supply and demand is the going on whether or not PVP is even in the game. You see EVE being about PVP when its so much more than that. You can play in EVE and never even get into a battle with someone else if you stay in high sec. You have NPCs you can fight and make money from or even farm resources and make money in high sec. Low/Null sec is where most of the PVP takes place (outside of wormholes) and its rewarded with higher valued items.

Demand for items can come from many aspects. PVE alone can create a demand for items.

Hodo could have taken him 1 hour from 1 zone to the next. I also not talking about dragging a cart. Carts are jacked up in many ways and for long travel are not worth it at all. Once they remove deathporting they will be required more but still not really worth it.

About the stats, I fully agree. I believe that STR/FORT/AGI are way to powerful compared to SPI/CHA/INT/DEX because they effect you in other ways. I believe its off topic, but linking it the way you did I would say mostly balance the carts so most people have fun. By now my guess is the avg person playing has around 70AGI, 90AGI if you count what they wear on avg for gear. So I guess you balance it around that.