Quote Originally Posted by lordadamar View Post
I have the same problem, there is no way one can get in...

Tribal areas to no cross.

No gaps in walls

But occasionally I will watch him walk through the gate, when its closed...

I have walls surrounding me ( Scavenger board walls ) no gaps, But I can watch this Rev agro me through the walls, and sometimes run around my tribe looking for an open door or just talk right through it if it isnt....


This is not me complaining about a hard mob, The AI and pathing used for these mobs is extremely questionable.

1. Distance for agro is giant its literally a tribe and a halfs distance.
2. They agro without LOS. ( Line of Sight ) Trees, buildings, walls blocking LOS do not matter...
3. When they do agro its like they run up to your walls and run straight at them till server desync happens and they glitch through..
4. They encroach on Tribal Lands without being provoked, ( I have one the nonchalantly walks in my gate doent attack and takes a nap at my Totem ) WTF are you serious
5. They are chasing you nearly half a zones distance, still hitting and running with no endurance. Really come on..
6. Ok I get the stronger thing, but original one Spawn @ 150hp / raped a few people died @ 192hp fully geared / Respawn at 196 hp no gear to speak of and is over 205 hp now... At this rate 23% ish growth in stats he will be unbeatable before long then what.

Sit down with him next to my camp fire at my Totem. say make it quick...
1) Distance is low for me. I see no problem with them aggroing from 50m or more away.
2) I think this is ok also because you can consider sound also. Not really all that important, and it adds to the game to me.
3) Glitching through the walls Ive not seen yet, but that is a major issue.
4) I dont have a problem with them wondering around the world a bit, I'm glad they do.
5) I've not had a problem with this as if you open the gap a little (5 to 10m) they will stop following. The no endurance has been an issue with all animals.
6) What you consider "Unbeatable" is not really true at all. I love that they grow stronger. My problem is still they are everywhere, so new players like yourself have to deal with the same ones as vets like me. I dont know where they are going to put the balancing marker, because right now they are very hard for new players like you, but very very easy for old players like me. So neither of us are getting the fun out of them.