Quote Originally Posted by wamfab View Post
When the totem is gone, when will the revenants go away?
I put a totem on a old camp and still revenants are there, all of them.
Thought they will move on if somebody placed a totem on a deserted camp?

I heard some say that you must kill them first and then they will not come back....nice for new players who want to get a good place.
After the totem decays and a new totem is set the Revenants are suppose to move on. We did this last night. We cleared the Revenants but I won't know until after work tonight if they are actually gone. I will post results then or if I find out before tonight.

To the OP:

I went out last night to help clear some Revenants and to attempt to clear some animals as well that have been menacing this guy. What I found was the Revenants are fairly easy because you can run out of their range if you get in trouble. The problems I encountered was the packs of feral cats and some other small creatures. The creatures and especially the cats in this particular area have taken over. (which is actually fun and would be realistic IF these creatures had no natural predators) That is where I see the problem, these cats would be coyote food in real life. I was attacked by 168 hp cats which would be fine except there was 8 or 10 at a time from mid 50s hps to 160s.

On top of these there was some very large bears 300+ hps and the largest being 450hps, a couple Coyotes in the low 200s to 300s, several Deer some in the 300hps range, a couple giant racoons and I was attacked by two large Labs. All of these a stones throw distance from each other along with the Revenants around his tribe LOL. Now as fun as this was it's a bit unrealistic. I have no idea what the fix is other than we are going out Saturday as a hunting party to try and thin these down a bit since if there were more people this would likely not be a problem but just saying.

Another problem and a possible bug was the Pine Martins. I was attacked by two Pine Martins while fighting Revenants. Both of these Pine Martins had clear or empty health bars. This could have been a graphics bug on my end but the real problem was when I couldn't determine their health I decided to sprint away. I still had about 75% energy and ran for a very long time but the Pine Martin stayed on me the entire way and never let up. This is the first creatures I have not been able to outpace.