Motlee i understand what your saying but you have no idea how many time i try and tell the new people if there getting killed they need to A.join a tribe for protection B.train up combat and trade for good gear but they never do they just keep going on and on about how its BS they get killed.And tbh animals and revs have been made so easy us vets yawn while we kill them heck it takes 8 plus revs to even get me a lil in trouble and thats even after the stat nerf.Its really not that hard to train up and not long to do it so if they dont want to put in a lil time then oh well its there problem.

We had a tribe member Dingse who was a new player and within 2 weeks maybe 3 dude was giving me a launch vet problems and was coming close to getting me sometimes......they just dont do it and its one thing i never understood