Ok, I could have sworn we have said this 100 times before.

Rare valued resources that offer rewards that are localized and contested. (Like a mine that gives Superior Iron +3 bonus vs +1 bonus).
Localized basic resources that are a risk vs reward. North has XYZ resources, South has ZYX resources. They would like to trade to do things.
Faster modes of travel.
A way to regen HP.
A way to regen stamina. (Making travel a lot more fun)
Armor and weapons that matter, NOT nerf them so they dont matter anymore. Last patch went backwards here. Spent 1000s of hours training up skills to make good armor (weapons are still the same no need for the best crafters) only to have it nerfed so that instead of a 1% to 10% bonus you getting a .3% to 1.5% bonus. Nothing to make me want to play train my skills up and fight over that gear or resources.
Give reasons for buildings. Right now they are ONLY for looks and storing items that have no real value because they are easy to get, and offer no real rewards.
Give people other than combat people a value in the game. Like farmers, or cooks.
Give people that are combat a value in the game, hunting has just been made worthless. Combat people now only offer protection from PVE (Zombies)
Long Term goals for tribes to work together or trade. Like Building bridges, rail system etc.