First I would like to say.

MrDDT, your D&D math is wrong.

18 Strength does not equal +3 damage, its +4.

But I see where you and Xsyon are trying to go. I think honestly Xsyon is trying to do something and its not done yet, so your seeing part of the picture, which seems like a nerf right now. But when combined with other factors later it may make it a bit more balanced then the way you see it currently.

Give it time.

On the topic of the Revnants.

I have found they are pretty bland. Most I have run into have between 100-175HP. Few of them are really a challenge even for my horrible Club skill of 39.0. I dont think they should hit harder, but fight a bit smarter. If I am attacking one, the others in sight shouldnt stand there and watch.