The game has become unbalanced with the culmination of changes all because two or three poeple moaned animals etc. were too easy. The problem was those people had high fortitude etc. because they had maxed many skills to 100. Not everyone wants to grind and now with the changes to skills you can't anyway. So what's wrong...
a.) they wanted us to move away from our tribes areas so we do so for scav etc.
b.) they increased the numbers and speed of growth of animals (they are now also much more aggressive and agro from long distances)
c.) we have a death port back to camp due to them not getting the mechanics correct and it being exploited
d.) tall revs have a stupid reach advantage (even saw one with a fishing pole as a weap doing as much damage as me from long range and I couldn't hit him)
e.) revs agro from a seriously stupid range making it difficult to pick off revs off by themselves
f.) revs getting in 2 hits sometimes 3 to 1
Now while some may have mastered parry and dodge etc and rarely get hit (I doubt that somehow) the most annoying thing is that unless you're in the top 4 or 5 players, some revs are just impossible to kill and if you get jumped by an animal or a bunch of revs you're pretty much dead every time. Revs will at least stop chasing (some are stupidly fast) but animals tend not to. Add to that the death port and you forever have to walk a long distance to get back to your cart. At the very least the option to spawn where you died is now way overdue with them just fixing the mechanics that caused the change because otherwise people may as well now stay by thier camps and not explore. It's just gotten silly as a result of a culmination of changes over time. I have no problems with animals and revs being really tough but the agro's and the death port make it pointless to explore now to find revs to loot or animals to kill because you have to take a cart due to weight and you end up back at your camp if you get killed. Having walkd back to my cart from camp more than a few times today, I'm done with it. I don't want to spend my time walking across the map. Nothing gets fixed in this game and seriously they don't play the game because it's just not worth the time having to walk a long way because you get jumped by two coyotes with really high fortitude that run faster than you and don't stop chasing. Yes people could say go out in pairs or stay near your camp but then with the scav changes you can't do that either. Until the death port nonsense is changed, I think I'm done with the game and I think I'll unsub my two accounts. Don't get me wrong revs really improved things but it's too easy to just go after revs that are < 150 health all the time and I don't want to be penalised for trying to improve my combat on my chrs by having been ported home each time I fail to kill a high level rev.