...is that they can kill you very quickly, even bunnies or pesky 'coons. Shoot, you can be terraforming and lay down to rest, go to grab a drink from the fridge and come back to your dead because a rat killed you.

They also seem to not only get past walls and doors, if you succeed in trapping them they will find a way to just walk out past the walls or doors.

Once more there is a problem. It seems that animals ignore barriers.

Why would you spend time building something complex, if it provides you no protection?

Zombies at least stay close to their old totem, but animals can scale any mountain or get through walls.

Is there anything in the works to address this?
Is this how they are supposed to function?
If this is to provide excitement,
it really only serves to irritate anyone working to terraform or build,
both big parts of the game play here.