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  1. #1

    Re:Need More Information: Time outs

    I was crafting some tailoring stuff. I was dumping things to make more room in my inventory and when I moved 2 of the items the item count number stayed in the square but the item picture was gone. A few seconds later I lost connection and was booted to the log-in screen where it told me I could not log in because I was already logged in.

  2. #2

    Re:Need More Information: Time outs

    I was doing some terraforming - lowering terrain. My action button stopped working but I would then suddenly start terraforming at my current location, not where I was when I activated it. This happened a couple of times so I alt-tabbed out to check the site to see what the indicators on my screen meant (was I out of stamina or something?) and when I tabbed back I was on the splash screen. Unable to login: account connected many times.

  3. #3

    Re:Need More Information: Time outs

    It happened to me about 3 time's during various stage's of crafting. Forced me to restart, screen locked up entirely, and upon trying to log back in was told 'account already logged in'. One of the time's after I dropped, logged in and everything but the background image disappeared. Froze and force quit.

    No item loss, but an item I was deleting before crash showed the # of item's but no image.

  4. #4

    Re:Need More Information: Time outs

    I suffered a large number of client crashes yesterday. In most cases when I restarted the client I got the "already logged in" message for a minute or so before I was finally able to get back in. A few times I would get booted back to the login screen without crashing but for the most part (easily a 20:1 ratio) the client would lock up, sometimes to the point where I had to use Task Manager to kill it.

    Unfortunately there was no discernible pattern to the crashes. It could happen anytime, doing some crafting, moving stuff around bags, just moving the mouse cursor across the screen, or even just standing there idle.

    One thing I'd like to offer if you are interested is some logs from both Wireshark and Process Monitor. Wireshark will show you the entire conversation between the client and the server and Process Monitor logs show you all registry and file operations made by the Xsyon process. In both cases you can see exactly what was happening (in these specific areas) at the time of a crash. I have a few logs I made of crashes from yesterday that I could send to you however there's no detailed info about them other than it's captured a crash (i.e. I didn't record exactly what I was doing before the crash).

    And if these prove useful I will continue to make them and I'll make sure I try to note what in-game action I was performing when the crash occurred.

  5. #5

    Re:Need More Information: Time outs

    Cunk, yes the WireShark reports could help. Please mail your reports to

  6. #6

    Re:Need More Information: Time outs

    I have had a number of "Lost connection to server" while terraforming in the last hour. I am returned to the login screen, wherein I cannot immediately log back in as it will say that I am already signed in. Then a few minutes later I can log back in.

  7. #7

    Re:Need More Information: Time outs

    Yes, 3 more timeouts in less than an hour last night.

    IMO classic lost connection stuff. UI (i.e. client) responds but the server doesn't get the message and then I have to crash the client or wait for a log in screen and 'already connected' message as the client can't communicate with the server to tell it I'm leaving (timing out).

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen Kitsume's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    San Francisco Bay Area

    Re:Need More Information: Time outs

    I'm seeing an increase in frequency of the Time-out disconnects this evening. All that is listed in the log file for the event is "Warning: Timeout Server."

    It takes 2 to 15 minutes before I can log back in due to the "Already Logged In" message."

    I've been doing nothing special, just running, swimming and occasionally scavenging.

  9. #9

    Re: Need More Information: Time outs

    I get a bad lag spike before crashing. No loss of inventory. Logging in is more frequently successful if I click on my user name after I enter my password and if I don't move the mouse afterward using the enter key to log in. I have tried other ways but that seems to work best atm. I only get a "already logged in" message if I was logging in and crashed before log in was complete.

  10. #10
    Xsyon Citizen Relandi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.

    Re:Need More Information: Time outs

    Noticed a definite increase of time-outs tonight, and as Kitsume said, it would sometimes take over 10 minutes to get back in with the "Already logged in" error.

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