Hi nethkhar, Welcome to Xsyon.

Unless you are set on creating your own homestead, there are tribes with large territories that allow players to work, build, craft, fish etc without fear of attack from other players. Outside of the tribe of course you would have to be more careful. You are welcome to join Raven Moon, (Shameless Promotion) we are very established and you can build your own place on tribe if you so desire. I could to meet you on trial server if you would like to check out the tribe before going live. Just send me a PM if interested. There are of course other similar tribes like Rainy River, Nocturne, Pretoria Guard and others that I'm sure would also welcome you.

As for homestead groups there was a large one up north around 1018 or 1019 I believe (It's been a while since I was up there. Some may have moved on.