I would like to hear from people who like the combat system and could discuss how they go about it. I have been trying to learn it, and nearly convinced I am too uncoordinated to hack it.

Here are the features from the posted list I have the most trouble with:

Players control swing direction based on mouse movement.
Players control swing power based on holding their attacks.
Players can defend using directional parries.

I understand the idea behind the features list. It looks intriguing on paper, but in game I just don’t see it working.
Fighting Players, I can see what attacks they are about to perform, and feel I have a fair chance to counter and time attacks. With mobs, I just can’t tell… worst case I can accept that a player is better, but a mob has the unfair advantage of an AI that seems to hit me way better than I can hit it.

So talk to me. How do you guys manage combat?