Hi MrDDT its now 30$ (as far as I know)

I am (quite) old and I believe in the subscription model - especially for small companies. The big ones can support a large population easily, for small companies the f2p model is really hard at the start.

You need the resources to support a large population (servers, guides, ...) and in the first few weeks it is essential that the game runs smooth, or you will piss off the players already in the game and the new "I am going to see what the game is like" will just bash it in every forum... In case of Xsyon you would probably have to triple (or more) the server capacities to handle the influx of players - something Notorious would have to finance, because it would take some time until the players start paying ...

I am a bit worried that this approach would eventually kill the company Notorious games and Xsyon - there are a number of similar events that have shown how fast a game can be swamped with ppl and even Blizzard did not manage the start of D3 (just imagine that a company that is *the* leader in MMO get swamped by ppl !!!). I think that the start of f2p would just lead to an situation where a lot of ppl get (probably again) disappointed and then bash Notorious and Xsyon into the ground...

Why do you think that something like that would work out, when really experienced and big (and rich) companies have troubles launching a game? The only approach (that I thought about) is to limit the number of players - so that if the too many people want to buy/try the game - you would have to introduce something like a list, and people would have to wait for their "slot" - or probably introduce "time slots" - like 2pm-4pm - and through that even out the peaks on the servers ?!?

I truly believe that a game like Xsyon needs commitment (from the customer) - so subscription is the right path. Xsyon is just not a casual game...