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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by KeithStone View Post
    Name Changes: Could careless how many times you change your name (it's more development funds for the company) Assholes are going to be assholes anyway whether they can change their name or not.

    Boosters: Anyone can buy boosters (free or paid) the idea is to get revenue out of free to play players that wouldn't spend money otherwise.

    Extra Character slot: More people would be willing to pay for that 2nd character if they can do it for a reduced cost over buying another game account and you would be able to do it through 1 account instead of having multiple accounts.

    Also, you say it's easy to just buy another account and pay for the 2nd sub as being easy - a lot less people will do this than if they could just pay for 1 extra character and keep 1 sub on 1 account.

    All of these "cash shop items" is meant to get money from the f2p crowed that wouldn't spend money on a sub, giving the dev team more way's to monetize income for game development.
    Why not have boosters for everything.
    Totems cost x$
    Stats cost x$
    Skills cost x$
    Where do you stop it? I mean people are already paying 40$(30$ now) and 15$ (10$ a month now) for the game why should they have to fork out more money? You could say they could do this with anything and everything. More money for the devs right?

    Buy extra account? Why not make it 1$? Or what about making it so you can have 2 totems?
    These cash shop items are not going to be bought by people on a free account they will be pushed onto people already paying, and guess what? Those paying people will quit if they have to keep paying 2 or 3 or 4 times for the game they already paying monthly for.

    You might care less about assholes because you reroll and change your name weekly, but many people live by a rep, and they earn it for better or worse. Mostly better. The people that do change their name are the jerks and guess what? They scam people in many different ways.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Why not have boosters for everything.
    Totems cost x$
    Stats cost x$
    Skills cost x$
    Where do you stop it? I mean people are already paying 40$(30$ now) and 15$ (10$ a month now) for the game why should they have to fork out more money? You could say they could do this with anything and everything. More money for the devs right?

    Buy extra account? Why not make it 1$? Or what about making it so you can have 2 totems?
    These cash shop items are not going to be bought by people on a free account they will be pushed onto people already paying, and guess what? Those paying people will quit if they have to keep paying 2 or 3 or 4 times for the game they already paying monthly for.

    You might care less about assholes because you reroll and change your name weekly, but many people live by a rep, and they earn it for better or worse. Mostly better. The people that do change their name are the jerks and guess what? They scam people in many different ways.
    you are taking it to the extreme, the boosters are optional and not required - I don't see how my suggestions are setup in a way where you would have to pay for any of it.

    I mean, the whole point of my suggestion is to set it up in a way where it's not game breaking or even required to be competitive. You could play as a f2p or paid player and never have to spend a dime in the cash shop and still have a good time. (although with limited skills at 30 you wouldn't be able to do much)

  3. #3
    not a fan of the f2p model its like a bad corporate std that wont go away

  4. #4
    I have been with Xsyon since start and I left due to the fact that there is no population. F2P should provide population and create basis of working economy. With 20 scattered people you cant have anything.

    Right now F2P is too limiting, it cant be even seen as demo. Imagine if you had 100 f2p guys providing basic economy but they have to trade with 10 subscribers who are masters at everything and enjoy the role. Multiple by few 1000... This is how f2p should work.

    Xsyon needs player base. Only then can Xsyon think about making a profit. It's in everyone's mouth now so use this hype well.

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