Quote Originally Posted by Trevor View Post
Why won't it be used, because you and half a dozen other players say don't like the fact nails are not going to be used?

I'm sorry, but there are more people in Xsyon other than those you see voicing every thought that crosses their mind in global.

Amazing how everyone is an expert though...

Trevor why not leave the option for nails or whatever they had before there? What's the point of removing them?

Dollar bills and other currency is one of the worst one's I can think of in Xsyon to use as a currency. There is no out go for it. Unlike other things like Nails, Screws, Bolts etc they are used in crafting and have a basic use.

The reason they are removing nails is due to the crafting issues and Quality factor in it. Its too hard to code a totem that takes all this into account.

My problem is, why would anyone sell for dollars? You are making a fake market and the price of a dollar is going to do nothing but go UP and UP and UP over time as there is no out go.

I've said this before you need basic mats to have basic out go. Totem keep would solve this issue.
Why was nails so common as currency? They had a major outgo and a use to them. (Weapon crafting, building, etc)

I don't care what item is the currency, I care about inflation of the currency that is allowed in the game. It would be the same as allowing people to pick up 100000 dollars per scav at a time. It would mess up the economy.

Anyways, Trevor you can pick on the few people voicing their opinions, but Xsyon only has a few people playing it. Stop attacking the person and focus on the topic.