Questions For The Developers 03/11/2013 - 04/18/2013
Please post your Questions For The Developer here.
Please do not post questions regarding estimated release dates for features or changes. Our In Development schedule is posted here and will change as our plans changes. Features will be released when they are ready.
Sarcastic or derogatory comments veiled as questions will not be answered.
I took a look at terrain reset cycle on the Test server and I've a question about this system: the revert process follow the same terraforming sequence that players used while modifing it?
Where are the useful animals like deer, bears, coyotes, etc? We've been hunting for days and many zones are depleted of all animals while others have hundreds of small animals but no signs of huntable game. It seems that as the few good animals are killed off they are replaced with useless critters that no one is going to want to hunt. It's nice to see a squirrel or rabbit running around, but hunting these animals is more annoying than rewarding. If you can manage to get one hit in you will have to chase it down to finish it off. Additionally, the east side of the map seems to have a far smaller animal population while having a much smaller player population. We mistakenly chose the east since there would be less competition for game. Will we have to wait for a full patch at some distant time in the future in order to re-balance the creatures, or can something be done in the near term? We know that the patch cycle is slow due to limited resources, but I think this will have to be addressed of the majority of our tribe will not make another month.
Hey i rly want to know when the patch for the animals fix is coming.
i getting rly bored atm u can only do so much in learning tool schemes and building and alot more from our camp to are getting rly bored with it. i rly love this game but i want to be able to go hunt when i like. because i cannot see me playing for much longer with no hunting in game and a few more from our camp is thinking the same