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  1. #1

    Feedback Request 04/19/2013 - Big Economy Patch

    Please post any issues with the Big Economy Patch here.

    Please read the Patch Notes for a full list of improvements with this patch.


    Update 04/22/2013

    I've patched out an update to address most reported issues. Please read the Patch Notes for a list of changes.

    I am still reviewing a few issues:

    - Revenant armor lost bonuses. This should be fixed, but I haven't confirmed that it's fixed in all cases yet.

    - Creature parts not correctly applying power variable. This has been possibly fixed, but I need to review and test this further.

    - Bug with multiple containers getting stuck open. If you can still reproduce this, please email exact details to bugs . I fixed the one reproducible situation, which involved opening a building repeatedly to cause the bug.

    - Quality on scavenged items will be revised.

    - Encumbrance. The current reported issues are a result of a bug fix. Players should not be able to exceed their encumbrance limit. I understand the issues however and we are going to revise the weights of objects to make more sense in context of the game rather than remove the bug fix.

    - Building labels. Not all buildings can be labeled. This is not a new feature, I just included it in the patch notes to be clear as there were some changes to the labeling system.

    - Other suggestions are also under consideration. Thanks!

    Update 04/24/2013

    The following fixes are being check on the Test Server. Once I get confirmation that these are fixed I will patch them to the Main Server.

    - Power factor on animal parts and components crafted from animal parts displays in tool tip. There has always been a power factor on animal components that affect stat bonuses applied to final products (armor). The power factor is based on the age and power of the creature killed.

    - Welmeti Deerbone Chestplate corrected to show 1 leather required.

    - Trade totem shows the name of the seller correctly.

    - Trade totem allied tab shows correct prices.

    - Trade totem allied tab sorting buttons work now.

    - Trade items show the base display name on labeled items.

    - Master armor sets require 90 quality materials.

    - Artisan armor sets require 75 quality materials.

    - Crafted components quality can't exceed the quality of materials used. Final products (armor, weapons, tools) quality can.
    Last edited by Xsyon; 04-24-2013 at 12:38 AM.

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