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  1. #1
    I have questions combined with feedback from my first days.

    - First of all i'd like to point out that the FAQ link in the other sticky leads nowhere. Can you fix that please?

    - I do understand the goal to get paying customers and the general limitations of the free account to test out things. Would you consider a change regarding placement of a tent at least please?

    Let me elaborate what i mean: Right now each and every 'new/testing' player is basically forced to join an existing tribe to try out some of the features - especially the architecture features who are a big attraction for people. New/testing players dont ever get the feeling they are making their mark at all in the environment beside being able to place a fireplace and remove resources from the game. The concept of sandbox is to do things I want to do - in the testing phase they will have to do what others want. Placing a decorative pole somewhere to mark: I was here isnt working. Putting up a tent while i explore the world as a loner - isnt working. So i feel a lot like a pure slave of others or i have to hide away since everything i own is completely unsafe and i lack any ability to defend myself as a starter of course. To clarifiy my personal intention of this question: I am thorougly testing what i can expect for myself and other potential players to maybe join my future tribe one day. Forcing them right away to make choices that are not in the scope of a new player (lack of knowledge) or making them join a tribe as pure labor force means after my testing so far: leave or adapt to other players wishes and goals. (Sorry for the lenghty explanation but i wanted to make sure my intentions are not misunderstood).

    - Regarding the use of one tool as a substitute for another. Could you make it easier to spot what is eligable substitution please? As a new player its impossible to see/know that a mallet can be used instead of a hammer i.e.

    - Could you introduce a beginner level of the tools shears and saw pls?. As of now those 2 tools are highlevel and require a lenghty process despite the fact that especially shears are used already in the most basic recipies. A sharpened stone was quite normal to be used even in the stone age. Cutting my logs into very rough poles with my axe doesnt require a saw - i think along this line

    - Can you add tooltips to the buttons in the character creation pls? Creating a character without any knowledge of what does what is one of the biggest hurdles for a non experienced player right now. If i have to read a Wiki first to make a simple char i loose interest very quickly as an average player.

    Thank you for taking your time to read all this.
    Last edited by toolkit68; 05-20-2013 at 02:56 AM. Reason: forgot a question

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